Call Number (LC) Title Results
W3418-18.3 Price list of ordnance and ordnance stores 1
W3418-19 Price list of ordnance and ordnance stores comprising 3-inch W. I. saluting gun, and machine and automatic guns, with their carriages, mounts; decapping, cleaning, and priming tools; pack outfits; ammunition; and their spare parts and equipments 1
W3418-20 Price list of rapid-fire seacoast guns and carriages (2.24 to 6 inch calibers, inclusive) and their parts, accessories, implements, and equipments 1
W3418-21 Price list of subcaliber guns, subcaliber and drill cartridges, and their fittings and accessories, pertaining to seacoast artillery 1
W3418-22 Price list of small arms and hand arms, small arms ammunition, personal equipments of soldier (comprising infantry, cavalry, artillery, and band equipments), horse equipments, officers equipments, and miscellaneous articles for use of troop, battery, and company organizations; revised May 20, 1908 1
W3418-26 Price list of seacoast targets, photoprinting and drafting articles, resizing and reloading outfit for drill primer, and pressure gauges 1
W3502-1 Test of system of fire control and direction in Pensacola Harbor, Fla., Apr. 1903 1
W3502-2 Tests of mortar fire in Portland Harbor, Maine, fall of 1901 [with detailed data on results of tests at Fort Preble] 1
W3602-1 Reports on annuity scheme [on proposal to offer annuities for purchase by Army officers, payable to their survivors; with data on mortality rates, 1824-1873] 1
W3602-2 Memorandum circular 1
W3602-3 Digest of recent decisions, orders, and rulings pertaining to pay of Army, edited to include Feb. 15, 1900 1
W3602-4 Memoranda, circulars, and circular letters of Paymaster-General's Office 1
W3602-5 Partial memorandum index, for information of officers of Pay Department of U.S. Army, to June 30, 1863 1
W3602-6 Sketch of organization of Pay Department, U.S. Army, from 1775 to 1876 1
W3602-7 Compendium of pay of Army from 1785 to 1888 1
W3602-8 Table of daily rates of pay, enlisted men of Army, including 20 per centum allowed by Act of Congress approved Apr. 26, 1898 1
W3602-9 Table of daily rates of pay, enlisted men of Army, including 20 per centum allowed by Act of Congress approved Apr. 26, 1898 1
W3602-10 Three months extra pay for Army [authorization of bonus pay for Mexican War veterans] 1
W3602-11 Revised regulations for Pay Department of U.S. Army, 1861 1
W3602a-10 Three months extra pay for Army 1