Call Number (LC) Title Results
W604-11 [Provisions for authentication of legal and commercial documents in territories under military government] 1
W604-12 [Legal status of patents and trademarks in Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Philippines] 1
W604-13 [Extension of immigration laws and regulations to territories under military government, with interim enforcement by customs officers] 1
W604-14.2 [List of military telegraph stations and railroads in Cuba, with data on telegraph rates and railroad distances] 1
W604-15 [North American Trust Company of N.Y. designation as War Department depository for Cuba] 1
W604-16 [Performance of consular duties by customs collectors at ports under military government] 1
W604-17 [Establishment of standard time, as furnished by Signal Service, for Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Philippines] 1
W604-18 [Establishment of offices of Auditor, Assistant Auditors, and Treasurer of Islands, for Cuba and nearby occupied islands, text of Executive order] 1
W604-19 [Establishment of offices of Auditor, Assistant Auditors, and Treasurer of Islands, for Puerto Rico and nearby occupied islands, text of Executive order] 1
W604-20 [Establishment of offices of Auditor, Assistant Auditors, and Treasurer of Islands, for Philippines and Guam] 1
W604-21 [Protection of patents in territory under military government] 1
W604-22 [North American Trust Company of N.Y. designation as War Department depository for Cuba, but not U.S. depository] 1
W604-23 [Designation of De Ford and Co., Boston, Mass., as depository of War Department for Puerto Rico] 1
W604-24 [Decision on status of De Ford and Co. as depository of War Department for Puerto Rico, but not U.S. depository] 1
W604-25 [List of military telegraph stations and railroads in Puerto Rico, with data on telegraph rates and railroad distances] 1
W604-26 [Designation of American Colonial Bank of Porto Rico as depository of War Department for Puerto Rico] 1
W604-27 [Establishment of offices of Assistant Auditor for Department of Internal Revenue, and Assistant Treasurer, for Puerto Rico and nearby occupied islands, text of Executive order] 1
W604-28 [Designation of Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China as depository of War Department for Philippines] 1
W604-29 [Compensation of persons who recover smuggled goods, or furnish information leading to recovery of customs duties or penalties] 1
W604-30 [Authentication of documents issued by States, territories, and D.C. for use in Cuba, by U.S. Secretary of State] 1