Call Number (LC) Title Results
Y 1.1/3:109-28 Tributes Delivered in Congress Lincoln D. Chafee, U.S. Senator, 1999-2007.
Tributes delivered in Congress : Lincoln D. Chafee, United States Senator, 1999-2007.
Y 1.1/3:109-29 Tributes Delivered in Congress Mark Dayton, U.S. Senator, 2001-2007.
Tributes delivered in Congress : Mark Dayton, United States Senator, 2001-2007.
Y 1.1/3:109-30 Tributes Delivered in Congress Mike DeWine, U.S. Congressman, 1983-1991, U.S. Senator, 1995-2007.
Tributes delivered in Congress : Mike DeWine, United States Congressman, 1983-1991, United States Senator, 1995-2007.
Y 1.1/3:109-31 Tributes delivered in Congress : William H. Frist, United States Senator, 1995-2007.
Tributes Delivered in Congress William H. Frist, U.S. Senator, 1995-2007.
Y 1.1/3:109-32 Tributes Delivered in Congress James M. Jeffords, U.S. Congressman, 1975-1989, U.S. Senator, 1989-2007.
Tributes delivered in Congress : James M. Jeffords, United States Congressman, 1975-1989, United States Senator, 1989-2007.
Y 1.1/3:109-33 Tributes delivered in Congress : Rick Santorum, United States Congressman, 1991-1995, United States Senator, 1995-2007.
Tributes Delivered in Congress Rick Santorum, U.S. Congressman, 1991-1995, U.S. Senator, 1995-2007.
Y 1.1/3:109-34 Tributes delivered in Congress : Paul S. Sarbanes, United States Congressman, 1971-1977, United States Senator, 1977-2007.
Tributes Delivered in Congress Paul S. Sarbanes, U.S. Congressman, 1971-1977, U.S. Senator, 1977-2007.
Y 1.1/3:109-35 Tributes delivered in Congress : James M. Talent, United States Congressman, 1993-2001, United States Senator, 2002-2007.
Tributes Delivered in Congress James M. Talent, U.S. Congressman, 1993-2001, U.S. Senator, 2002-2007.
Y 1.1/3:110-1 Senate Manual Containing the Standing Rules, Orders, Laws, and Resolutions Affecting the Business of the U.S. Senate.
Senate manual containing the standing rules, orders, laws, and resolutions affecting the business of the United States Senate
Y 1.1/3:110-2/PT.1 Report of the Secretary of Senate, From Oct. 1, 2006 to Mar. 31, 2007, Part I 1
Y 1.1/3:110-2/PT.2 Report of the Secretary of Senate, From Oct. 1, 2006 to Mar. 31, 2007, Part II 1
Y 1.1/3:110-3 Resolved, that the United States federal government should substantially increase its public health assistance to Sub-Saharan Africa : national debate topic for high schools, 2007-2008 : pursuant to 44 United States Code, section 1333 /
Resolved That the U.S. Federal Government Should Substantially Increase Its Public Health Assistance to Sub-Saharan Africa, National Debate Topic for High Schools, 2007-2008.
Y 1.1/3:110-4 Ted Stevens, U.S. Senator from Alaska Tributes in the Congress of the U.S
Tributes delivered in Congress : Ted Stevens, United States Senator, 1968-
Y 1.1/3:110-5 Memorial addresses and other tributes held in the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States together with a memorial service in honor of Craig Thomas, late a Senator from Wyoming : One Hundred Tenth Congress, first session.
Craig Thomas, Late a Senator from Wyoming Memorial Addresses and Other Tributes
Y 1.1/3:110-6 Constitution of the United States of America Analysis and Interpretation, 2006 Supplement. 1
Y 1.1/3:110-7 Veto--S. 5, Message from the President
Veto : S. 5 (PM 18) : message from the President of the United States returning without my approval S. 5, the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2007.
Y 1.1/3:110-8 First Lady Lady Bird Johnson, 1912-2007 : memorial tributes in the One Hundred Tenth Congress of the United States.
First Lady, Lady Bird Johnson, 1912-2007 Memorial Tributes in the One Hundred Tenth Congress.
Y 1.1/3:110-9 Standing Rules of the Senate, Revised to Sept. 14, 2007 1
Y 1.1/3:110-10 Authority and Rules of Senate Committees, 2007-2008 1
Y 1.1/3:110-11/PT.1 Report of the Secretary of the Senate, from Apr. 1, 2007 to Sept. 30, 2007, Part I 1