Call Number (LC) Title Results
Y 1.1/5:101-189 Palau Compact of Free Association Implementation Act : report (to accompany H.J. Res. 175)
Palau Compact of Free Association Implementation Act
Y 1.1/5:101-190 Reauthorizing the Deep Seabed Hard Mineral Resources Act of 1980 : report (to accompany H.R. 2120)
Reauthorizing the Deep Seabed Hard Mineral Resources Act of 1980
Y 1.1/5:101-191 Futures Trading Practices Act of 1989 : report (to accompany S. 1729)
Futures Trading Practices Act of 1989
Y 1.1/5:101-192 Biomedical and Behavioral Research Act of 1989 : report (to accompany S. 1392)
Biomedical and Behavioral Research Act of 1989
Y 1.1/5:101-193 Foundation for Biomedical Research Act of 1989 : report (to accompany S. 1391)
Foundation for Biomedical Research Act of 1989
Y 1.1/5:101-194 Biomedical and Behavioral Facilities Construction Act of 1989 : report (to accompany S. 1863)
Biomedical and Behavioral Facilities Construction Act of 1989
Y 1.1/5:101-195 Arms Control and Disarmament Amendments Act of 1989 : report (to accompany S. 1868)
Arms Control and Disarmament Amendments Act of 1989
Y 1.1/5:101-196 The National Literacy Act of 1989 : report (to accompany S. 1310)
National Literacy Act of 1989
Y 1.1/5:101-197 Low-Income Treatment Assistance Program Act of 1989
Low-Income Treatment Assistance Program Act of 1989 : report (to accompany S. 1782)
Y 1.1/5:101-198 Cedar Bluff Unit of the Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Program, Kansas : report (to accompany S. 53)
Cedar Bluff Unit of the Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Program, Kansas
Y 1.1/5:101-199 Lake Meredith Salinity Control Project, New Mexico and Texas : report (to accompany S. 486)
Lake Meredith Salinity Control Project, New Mexico and Texas
Y 1.1/5:101-200 Buffalo Bill Dam and Reservoir : report (to accompany S. 1121)
Buffalo Bill Dam and Reservoir
Y 1.1/5:101-201 Leadville Mine Drainage Treatment Act of 1989 : report (to accompany S. 1275)
Leadville Mine Drainage Treatment Act of 1989
Y 1.1/5:101-202 Redesignating a certain portion of the George Washington Memorial Parkway as the "Clara Barton Parkway" : report (to accompany H.R. 1310) 1
Y 1.1/5:101-203 Regulating Indian child protection and preventing child abuse on Indian reservations : report (to accompany S. 1783)
Regulating Indian Child Protection and Preventing Child Abuse on Indian Reservations
Y 1.1/5:101-204 Education of Individuals with Disabilities Act of 1989 : report (to accompany S. 1824)
Education of Individuals with Disabilities Act of 1989
Y 1.1/5:101-205 Providing for an Indian mental health demonstration grant program : report (to accompany S. 1270)
Providing for an Indian Mental Health Demonstration Grant Program
Y 1.1/5:101-206 The Steel Trade Liberalization Program Implementation Act : report (to accompany H.R. 3275)
Steel Trade Liberalization Program Implementation Act
Y 1.1/5:101-207 Ensuring that funds provided under Section 4213 of the Indian Alcohol and Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act of 1986 may be used to acquire land for emergency shelters : report (to accompany S. 1813)
Ensuring That Funds Provided Under Section 4213 of the Indian Alcohol and Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act of 1986 May Be Used To Acquire Land for Emergency Shelters
Y 1.1/5:101-208 Authorizing the state of Oklahoma and the Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache Tribes to enter into an agreement regarding the exercise of state jurisdiction over a portion of Indian country located in Comanche County, OK : report (to accompany S. 1526)
Authorizing the State of Oklahoma and the Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache Tribes To Enter into an Agreement Regarding the Exercise of State Jurisdiction over a Portion of Indian Country Located in Comanche County, OK