Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
Y 1.1/5:109-348 |
American History Achievement Act : report (to accompany S. 860) American History Achievement Act |
2 |
Y 1.1/5:109-349 |
Waiving Application of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act to a Specific Parcel of Real Property by the U.S. to 2 Indian Tribes in the State of Oregon Waiving application of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act to a specific parcel of real property by the United States to 2 Indian tribes in the State of Oregon and for other purposes : report (to accompany S. 3687) |
2 |
Y 1.1/5:109-350 |
Revised Allocation to Subcommittees of Budget Totals for FY2007 Revised allocation to subcommittees of budget totals for fiscal year 2007 / |
2 |
Y 1.1/5:109-351 |
To promote remediation of inactive and abandoned mines, and for other purposes : report together with additional views (to accompany S. 1848) To Promote Remediation for Inactive and Abandoned Mines |
2 |
Y 1.1/5:109-352 |
Extend Authorization of Appropriations for Lake Pontchartrain Basin Extend authorization of appropriations for Lake Pontchartrain Basin : report (to accompany S. 3630) (including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office) |
2 |
Y 1.1/5:109-353 |
Dana Point Desalination Project Authorization Act Dana Point Desalination Project Authorization Act : report (to accompany H.R. 3929) (Including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office) |
2 |
Y 1.1/5:109-354 |
Pueblo of Isleta Settlement and Natural Resources Restoration Act of 2006 : report (to accompany S. 3648) Pueblo of Isleta Settlement and Natural Resources Restoration Act of 2006 |
2 |
Y 1.1/5:109-355 |
Communications Opportunity, Promotion, and Enhancement Act of 2006 : report of the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation on H.R. 5252 together with additional views. Communications Opportunity, Promotion, and Enhancement Act of 2006 |
2 |
Y 1.1/5:109-356 |
National Integrated Drought Information System Act of 2006 : report of the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation on S. 2751. National Integrated Drought Information System Act of 2006 |
2 |
Y 1.1/5:109-357 |
Pool and Spa Safety Act : report of the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation on S. 3718. Pool and Spa Safety Act |
2 |
Y 1.1/5:109-358 |
High-Performance Green Buildings Act of 2006 : report together with additional views (to accompany S. 3591) (including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office) High-Performance Green Buildings Act of 2006 |
2 |
Y 1.1/5:109-359 |
Federal and D.C. Government Real Property Act of 2005 Federal and District of Columbia Government Real Property Act of 2005 : report of the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, United States Senate, to accompany S. 1838 to provide for the sale, acquisition, conveyance, and exchange of certain real property in the District of Columbia to facilitate the utilization, development, and redevelopment of such property, and for other purposes. |
2 |
Y 1.1/5:109-360 |
Committee Activities, Special Report Committee activities : special report. |
2 |
Y 1.1/5:109-361 |
Small Business Reauthorization and Improvements Act of 2006 : report (to accompany S. 3778) Small Business Reauthorization and Improvements Act of 2006 |
2 |
Y 1.1/5:109-362 |
Keeping Seniors Safe From Falls and reauthorization of the Traumatic Brain Injury Act : report (to accompany S. 1531) Keeping Seniors Safe from Falls and Reauthorization of the Traumatic Brain Injury Act |
2 |
Y 1.1/5:109-363 |
Consumer Assurance of Radiologic Excellence Act of 2006 : report (to accompany S. 2322) Consumer Assurance of Radiologic Excellence Act of 2006 |
2 |
Y 1.1/5:109-364 |
United States-Oman Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act : report together with additional views (to accompany S. 3569) (including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office) U.S.-Oman Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act |
2 |
Y 1.1/5:109-365 |
Mine Improvement and New Emergency Response Act of 2006 or the "MINER Act" : report (to accompany S. 2803) Mine Improvement and New Emergency Response Act of 2006 or the "MINER Act" |
2 |
Y 1.1/5:109-366 |
Older Americans Act Amendments of 2006 : report (to accompany S. 3570) Older Americans Act Amendments of 2006 |
2 |
Y 1.1/5:109-367 | Report on the Activities of the Committee on Armed Services, 105th Congress, First and Second Sessions | 1 |