Call Number (LC) Title Results
Y 1.1/5:115-380 Department of Homeland Security Data Framework Act of 2018 : report of the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, United States Senate, to accompany S. 2397, to direct the Secretary of Homeland Security to establish a data framework to provide access for appropriate personnel to law enforcement and other information of the Department, and for other purposes. 1
Y 1.1/5:115-381 Reforming Government Act of 2018 : report of the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, United States Senate, to accompany S. 3137, to provide for reforming agencies of the federal government to improve efficiency and effectiveness. 1
Y 1.1/5:115-382 Federal Information Systems Safeguards Act of 2018 : report of the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, United States Senate, to accompany S. 3208, to provide agencies with discretion in securing information technology and information systems. 1
Y 1.1/5:115-383 Federal Acquisition Savings Act of 2018 : report of the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, United States Senate, to accompany S. 3251, to require executive agencies to consider rental in any analysis for equipment acquisition, and for other purposes. 1
Y 1.1/5:115-384 Protecting and Securing Chemical Facilities from Terrorist Attacks Act : report of the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, United States Senate, to accompany S. 3405, to reauthorize the Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards Program of the Department of Homeland Security. 1
Y 1.1/5:115-385 Federal Rotational Cyber Workforce Program Act of 2018 : report of the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, United States Senate, to accompany S. 3437, to establish a federal rotational cyber workforce program for the federal cyber workforce. 1
Y 1.1/5:115-386 Presidential Transition Enhancement Act of 2018 : report of the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, United States Senate, to accompany S. 3487, to amend the Presidential Transition Act of 1963 to improve the orderly transfer of the executive power during presidential transitions. 1
Y 1.1/5:115-387 Political Appointee Burrowing Prevention Act : report of the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, United States Senate, to accompany H.R. 1132, to amend title 5, United States Code, to provide for a 2-year prohibition on employment in a career civil service position for any former political appointee, and for other purposes. 1
Y 1.1/5:115-388 Shark Fin Trade Elimination Act of 2017 : report of the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation on S. 793. 1
Y 1.1/5:115-389 National Quantum Initiative Act : report of the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation on S. 3143. 1
Y 1.1/5:115-390 Department of Transportation Reports Harmonization Act : report of the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation on S. 3367. 1
Y 1.1/5:115-391 Helium Extraction Act of 2017 : report (to accompany H.R. 3279) (including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office). 1
Y 1.1/5:115-392 Ensuring trust : strengthening state efforts to overhaul the guardianship process and protect older Americans : a report of the Special Committee on Aging, United States Senate. 1
Y 1.1/5:115-393 To amend the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act to repeal a provision limiting the export of timber harvested from land conveyed to the Kake Tribal Corporation under that act : report (to accompany S. 1149) (including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office). 1
Y 1.1/5:115-394 Every Kid Outdoors Act : report (to accompany H.R. 3186) (including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office). 1
Y 1.1/5:115-395 Reclamation Title Transfer Act of 2018 : report (to accompany S. 2560) (including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office). 1
Y 1.1/5:115-396 To provide for the transfer of certain federal land in the State of Minnesota for the benefit of the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe : report (to accompany S. 2599) (including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office).
To provide for the transfer of certain federal land in the State of Minnesota for the benefit of the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe report (to accompany S. 2599) (including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office)
Y 1.1/5:115-397 Space Frontier Act of 2018 : report of the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation on S. 3277. 1
Y 1.1/5:115-398 Stigler Act Amendments of 2018 : report (to accompany H.R. 2606) (including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office). 1
Y 1.1/5:115-399 Gila River Indian Community Federal Rights-of-Way, Easements and Boundary Clarification Act : report (to accompany H.R. 4032) (including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office).
Gila River Indian Community Federal Rights-of-Way, Easements and Boundary Clarification Act report (to accompany H.R. 4032) (including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office)