Y 1.1/5:117-186
Consent to State of New Mexico constitutional amendment : report (to accompany S. 3404) (including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office) |
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Y 1.1/5:117-187
Sun River hydropower project : report (to accompany S. 3450). |
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Y 1.1/5:117-187/ERRATA
Sun River hydropower project : report (to accompany S. 3450). |
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Y 1.1/5:117-188
Small water storage and Carey Act projects : report (to accompany S. 4176) |
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Y 1.1/5:117-189
Women Who Worked on the Home Front World War II Memorial Act : report (to accompany H.R. 3531) |
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Y 1.1/5:117-190
John P. Parker House National Park Service study : report (to accompany S. 3685) |
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Y 1.1/5:117-191
Omnibus Travel and Tourism Act of 2021 : report of the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation on S. 3375. |
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Y 1.1/5:117-192
Homeland Procurement Reform Act : report of the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, United States Senate, to accompany S. 1009, to amend the Homeland Security Act of 2002 regarding the procurement of certain items related to national security interests for Department of Homeland Security frontline operational components, and for other purposes. |
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Y 1.1/5:117-193
End Fentanyl Act : report of the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, United States Senate, to accompany S. 4460, to require the Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection to regularly review and update policies and manuals related to inspections at ports of entry. |
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Y 1.1/5:117-194
Preliminary Damage Assessment Improvement Act : report of the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, United States Senate, to accompany H.R. 3709, to direct the Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency to submit to Congress a report on preliminary damage assessments and make necessary improvements to processes in the Federal Emergency Management Agency, and for other purposes. |
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Y 1.1/5:117-195
Empowering the U.S. Fire Administration Act : report of the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, United States Senate, to accompany H.R. 7077 to require the United States Fire Administration to conduct on-site investigations of major fires, and for other purposes. |
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Y 1.1/5:117-196
Recognizing 50 years of the nation's first nutrition program for older adults : report of the Special Committee on Aging, United States Senate. |
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Y 1.1/5:117-197
Root and Stem Project Authorization Act : report (to accompany S. 3046) |
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Y 1.1/5:117-198
Consultation on land and resource management plans (Cottonwood decision) : report (to accompany S. 2561) |
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Y 1.1/5:117-199
FEMA Caseworker Accountability Act : report of the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, United States Senate to accompany H.R. 5343, to direct the Comptroller General of the United States to submit a report to Congress on case management personnel turnover of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, and for other purposes. |
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Y 1.1/5:117-200
Reinvesting in Shoreline Economies and Ecosystems Act : report (to accompany S. 2130) (including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office) |
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Y 1.1/5:117-201
Alaska Offshore Parity Act : report (to accompany S. 2996) |
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Y 1.1/5:117-202
Land Between the Lakes Recreation and Heritage Act : report (to accompany S. 3997) |
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Y 1.1/5:117-203
Oil and gas permitting process : report (to accompany S. 4227) |
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Y 1.1/5:117-204
Facilitating Federal Employee Reskilling Act : report of the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, United States Senate to accompany S. 1330, to facilitate the reskilling of federal employees, and for other purposes. |
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