Call Number (LC) Title Results
Y 1.1/5:97-267 Federal Assistance Improvement Act of 1981 : report of the Committee on Rules and Administration, United States Senate (together with additional views) accompany S. 807.
Federal Assistance Improvement Act of 1981
Y 1.1/5:97-268 Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies Appropriation Bill, 1982 1
Y 1.1/5:97-269 Union Station Redevelopment Act of, 1981 : report (to accompany S. 1192)
Union Station Redevelopment Act of 1981
Y 1.1/5:97-270 Army Corps of Engineers Project Deauthorizations
Army Corps of Engineers project deauthorizations : report (to accompany S. 1493)
Y 1.1/5:97-271 Military construction appropriation bill, 1982 : report (to accompany H.R. 4241)
Military Construction Appropriation Bill, 1982
Y 1.1/5:97-272 To approve the president's recommendations for a waiver of law pursuant to the Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Act of 1976 : report together with additional and minority views (to accompany S.J. Res. 115)
To Approve the President's Recommendation for a Waiver of Law Pursuant to the Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Act of 1976
Y 1.1/5:97-273 Department of Defense appropriation bill, 1982 : report (to accompany S. 1857)
Department of Defense Appropriation Bill, 1982
Y 1.1/5:97-274 The Piracy and Counterfeiting Amendments Act of 1981 : report (to accompany S. 691)
Piracy and Counterfeiting Amendments Act of 1981
Y 1.1/5:97-275 Federal Courts Improvement Act of 1981 : report together with additional views (to accompany S. 1700)
Federal Courts Improvement Act of 1981
Y 1.1/5:97-276 Consideration of resolution of disapproval of the sale to Pakistan of 40 F-16 aircraft : report together with minority views (to accompany S. Con. Res. 48)
Consideration of Resolution of Disapproval of the Sale to Pakistan of 40 F-16 Aircraft
Y 1.1/5:97-277 Providing for the minting of half dollars commemorating the 250th anniversary of the birth of George Washington : report (to accompany H.R. 3484)
Providing for the Minting of Half Dollars Commemorating the 250th Anniversary of the Birth of George Washington
Y 1.1/5:97-278 Report of the Committee on Labor and Human Resources pursuant to section 302(b) of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974. 1
Y 1.1/5:97-279 Second Concurrent Resolution on the Budget, FY82 1
Y 1.1/5:97-280 Implementation of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (1980-81)
Implementation of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (1980-81) : report of the Select Committee on Intelligence, United States Senate.
Y 1.1/5:97-281 Amendments to the International Center Act
Amendments to the International Center Act : report together with minority views (to accompany S. 1611)
Y 1.1/5:97-282 National Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1981 : joint report together with additional and supplemental views (to accompany S. 1662) /
National Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1981
Y 1.1/5:97-283 Foreign Missions Act of 1982
Foreign Missions Act of 1982 : report together with minority views (to accompany S. 854)
Y 1.1/5:97-284 The Regulatory Reform Act : report of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, to accompany S. 1080 ... together with additional views. 1
Y 1.1/5:97-284/corr Regulatory Reform Act 1
Y 1.1/5:97-285 Report of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence on the Casey inquiry : report of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, United States Senate.
Report of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence on the Casey Inquiry