Call Number (LC) Title Results
Y 1.1/5:98-527 Title VI of the Intelligence Authorization Act for fiscal year 1985 : report (to accompany S. 2713)
Title VI of the Intelligence Authorization Act for FY85
Y 1.1/5:98-528 National Law Enforcement Heroes Memorial : report (to accompany S.J. Res. 235)
National Law Enforcement Heroes Memorial
Y 1.1/5:98-529 Labeling of textile fiber and wool products : report (to accompany S. 1816)
Labeling of Textile Fiber and Wool Products
Y 1.1/5:98-530 Amending the John F. Kennedy Center Act : report together with additional views (to accompany S. 2562)
Amending the John F. Kennedy Center Act
Y 1.1/5:98-531 Foreign assistance and related programs appropriation bill, 1985 : report (to accompany S. 2793)
Foreign Assistance and Related Programs Appropriation Bill, 1985
Y 1.1/5:98-532 Kenneth L. Perrin : report (to accompany H.R. 3927) 1
Y 1.1/5:98-533 Postal Savings System Statute of Limitations Act : report (to accompany H.R. 3922)
Postal Savings System Statute of Limitations Act
Y 1.1/5:98-534 Authorizing expenditures by the Select Committee on Indian Affairs : report (to accompany S. Res. 365) 1
Y 1.1/5:98-535 International Organizations Public Procedures Act of 1983 : report (to accompany S. 1910)
International Organizations Public Procedures Act of 1983
Y 1.1/5:98-536 The Great Seal Act of 1984 : report (to accompany S. 1117)
Great Seal Act of 1984
Y 1.1/5:98-537 Modernizing federal restrictions on gaming advertising : report of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, on S. 1876 together with additional views.
Modernizing Federal Restrictions on Gaming Advertising
Y 1.1/5:98-538 Support for a national STORM program : report (to accompany S. Con. Res. 109)
Support for a National Storm Program
Y 1.1/5:98-539 Fishermen's Protective Act of 1967 authorization : report (to accompany H.R. 5051)
Fishermen's Protective Act of 1967 Authorization
Y 1.1/5:98-540 Extend the lease terms of federal oil and gas lease numbered U-39711 : report (to accompany S. 1770)
Extend the Lease Terms of Federal Oil and Gas Lease Numbered U-39711
Y 1.1/5:98-541 To clarify the treatment of mineral materials on public lands : report (to accompany S. 2157)
To Clarify the Treatment of Mineral Materials on Public Lands
Y 1.1/5:98-542 Small Business Secondary Market Improvements Act of 1984 : report of the Committee on Small Business, United States Senate, to accompany S. 2375.
Small Business Secondary Market Improvements Act of 1984
Y 1.1/5:98-543 Title VI of the Intelligence Authorization Act for fiscal year 1985 : report (to accompany S. 2713)
Title VI of the Intelligence Authorization Act for FY85
Y 1.1/5:98-544 Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education and Related Agencies Appropriation Bill, 1985 1
Y 1.1/5:98-545 Rural Electrification and Telephone Revolving Fund Self-Sufficiency Act of 1984 : report together with additional views (to accompany S. 1300)
Rural Electrification and Telephone Revolving Fund Self-Sufficiency Act of 1984
Y 1.1/5:98-546 Authorizing appropriations to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission : report together with supplemental views (to accompany S. 2846)
Authorizing Appropriations to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission