Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
Y 1.1/8:99-1034 | Activities and Summary Report of the Committee on D.C | 1 |
Y 1.1/8:99-1036 | Summary of Activities | 1 |
Y 1.1/8:99-1037 | Report of Committee Activities, Ninety-Ninth Congress | 1 |
Y 1.1/8:99-1039 | Annual Report for the Year 1986 of the Select Committee on Narcotics Abuse and Control | 1 |
Y 1.1/8:99-1040 | Report on Activities During the 99th Congress | 1 |
Y 1.1/8:99-1043 | Activities Report of the Committee on Veterans Affairs | 1 |
Y 1.1/8:100-1 |
Providing for the establishment of the Select Committee on Hunger, the Select Committee on Children, Youth, and Families, and the Select Committee on Narcotics Abuse and Control : report together with minority views (to accompany H. Res. 26) Providing for the Establishment of the Select Committee on Hunger, the Select Committee on Children, Youth and Families, and the Select Committee on Narcotics Abuse and Control |
2 |
Y 1.1/8:100-2 | Providing for the consideration of H.R. 1 : report (to accompany H. Res. 27) | 1 |
Y 1.1/8:100-3 |
Providing for the consideration of H.R. 2 : report (to accompany H. Res. 38) Providing for the Consideration of H.R. 2 |
2 |
Y 1.1/8:100-4 |
Emergency additional supplemental appropriation for the homeless : report (to accompany H.J. Res. 102) Emergency Additional Supplemental Appropriation for the Homeless |
2 |
Y 1.1/8:100-5 |
United States counterintelligence and security concerns--1986 : report / U.S. Counterintelligence and Security Concerns, 1986 |
2 |
Y 1.1/8:100-6 |
Recognizing the 100th anniversary of the enactment of the Hatch Act of March 2, 1887, and its role in establishing our nation's system of state agricultural experiment stations : report (to accompany H.J. Res. 3) Recognizing the 100th Anniversary of the Enactment of the Hatch Act of Mar. 2, 1887, And Its Role in Establishing Our Nation's System of State Agricultural Experiment Stations |
2 |
Y 1.1/8:100-7 |
Expressing the opposition of Congress to proposals in the budget to reduce the capacity of the Veterans' Administration to provide health care to eligible veterans : report (to accompany H. Con. Res. 27) Expressing the Opposition of Congress to Proposals in the Budget To Reduce the Capacity of the Veterans' Administration To Provide Health Care to Eligible Veterans |
2 |
Y 1.1/8:100-8 | Food Assistance for the Homeless Act of 1987 : report (to accompany H.R. 177) (including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office) | 1 |
Y 1.1/8:100-8/corr |
Food Assistance for the Homeless Act of 1987 : report (to accompany H.R. 177) (including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office) Food Assistance for the Homeless Act of 1987 |
2 |
Y 1.1/8:100-9 |
To Amend the Food Security Act of 1985 To Extend the Date for Submitting the Report Required by the National Commission on Dairy Policy To amend the Food Security Act of 1985 to extend the date for submitting the report required by the National Commission on Dairy Policy : report (to accompany H.R. 1123) (including Congressional Budget Office cost estimate) |
2 |
Y 1.1/8:100-10/pt.1 | Urgent Relief for the Homeless Act | 1 |
Y 1.1/8:100-10/pt.1-2 | Urgent Relief for the Homeless Act : report together with additional and supplemental views (to accompany H.R. 558 which ... was referred jointly to the Committee on Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs, and the Committee on Energy and Commerce) (including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office) | 1 |
Y 1.1/8:100-10/pt.2 | Urgent Relief for the Homeless Act | 1 |
Y 1.1/8:100-11 |
National Appliance Energy Conservation Act : report together with dissenting views (to accompany H.R. 87) (including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office) National Appliance Energy Conservation Act |
2 |