Call Number (LC) Title Results
Y 1.1/8:101-726/pt.1 California Fish and Wildlife Protection Act of 1990 1
Y 1.1/8:101-726/pt.1-2 California Fish and Wildlife Protection Act of 1990 : report together with minority views (to accompany H.R. 3613 which ... was referred jointly to the Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries and Interior and Insular Affairs) 1
Y 1.1/8:101-726/pt.2 Upper Sacramento River Fishery Resources Restoration Act 1
Y 1.1/8:101-727 Settling certain claims of the Zuni Indian Tribe, and for other purposes : report together with minority views (to accompany H.R. 4143) (including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office)
Settling Certain Claims of the Zuni Indian Tribe
Y 1.1/8:101-728/pt.1 Authorizing an Exchange of Lands in South Dakota and Colorado 1
Y 1.1/8:101-728/pt.1-2 Authorizing an exchange of lands in South Dakota and Colorado : report (to accompany H.R. 4567 which ... was referred jointly to the Committees on Agriculture and Interior and Insular Affairs) (including the cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office) 1
Y 1.1/8:101-728/pt.2 Homestake Land Exchange 1
Y 1.1/8:101-729 Foreign Contracting Audit Equity Act of 1990 : report (to accompany H.R. 4131) (including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office)
Foreign Contracting Audit Equity Act of 1990
Y 1.1/8:101-730 Federal Employees Pay Comparability Act of 1990
Federal Employees Pay Comparability Act of 1990 : report (to accompany H.R. 3979) (including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office)
Y 1.1/8:101-731 Transferring a parcel of land located in the Los Padres National Forest, CA : report (to accompany H.R. 1330) (including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office)
Transferring a Parcel of Land Located in the Los Padres National Forest, CA
Y 1.1/8:101-732 Civil Justice Reform Act of 1990
Civil Justice Reform Act of 1990 : report (to accompany H.R. 3898) (including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office)
Y 1.1/8:101-733 Federal Judgeship Act of 1990 : report (to accompany H.R. 5316) (including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office)
Federal Judgeship Act of 1990
Y 1.1/8:101-734 Federal Courts Study Committee Implementation Act of 1990 : report (to accompany H.R. 5381)
Federal Courts Study Committee Implementation Act of 1990
Y 1.1/8:101-735 Copyright Amendments Act of 1990 : report (to accompany H.R. 5498) (including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office)
Copyright Amendments Act of 1990
Y 1.1/8:101-736 Federal Debt Collection Procedures Act of 1990 : report (to accompany H.R. 5640) (including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office)
Federal Debt Collection Procedures Act of 1990
Y 1.1/8:101-737 Sense of Congress Respecting Child Custody Determinations
Sense of Congress respecting child custody determinations : report (to accompany H. Con. Res. 172)
Y 1.1/8:101-738 Designating certain rivers in the State of Michigan as components of the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System, and for other purposes : report together with dissenting views (to accompany H.R. 4019) (including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office)
Designating Certain Rivers in the State of Michigan As Components of the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System
Y 1.1/8:101-739 Establishing the Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area : report together with minority views (to accompany H.R. 4559) (including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office)
Establishing the Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area
Y 1.1/8:101-740 Establishing the Vancouver National Historical Reserve in the state of Washington, and for other purposes : report (to accompany H.R. 5144) (including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office)
Establishing the Vancouver National Historical Reserve in the State of Washington
Y 1.1/8:101-741 Conveying certain Oregon and California railroad grant lands in Josephine County, OR, to the Rogue Community College District, and for other purposes : report (to accompany S. 1738) (including the cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office)
Conveying Certain Oregon and California Railroad Grant Lands in Josephine County, OR, to the Rogue Community College District