Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
Y 1.1/8:109-58 |
Resolution of Inquiry Requesting the President To Transmit Certain Information to the House of Representatives Respecting a Claim Made by the President on Feb. 16, 2005, at a Meeting Portsmouth, New Hampshire, That There Is Not a Social Security Trust Resolution of inquiry requesting the President to transmit certain information to the House of Representatives respecting a claim made by the President on February 16, 2005, at a meeting Portsmouth, New Hampshire, that there is not a social security trust : adverse report together with dissenting views (to accompany H. Res. 170) (including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office) |
2 |
Y 1.1/8:109-59 |
Providing for the adoption of the resolution (H. Res. 240) amending the rules of the House of Representatives to reinstate certain provisions of the rules relating to procedures of the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct to the form in which those provisions existed at the close of the 108th Congress : report (to accompany H. Res. 241) Providing for the Adoption of the Resolution (H. Res. 240) Amending the Rules of the House of Representatives To Reinstate Certain Provisions of the Rules Relating to Procedures of the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct to the Form in Which Those Provisions Existed at the Close of the 108th Congress |
2 |
Y 1.1/8:109-60 |
Waiving a requirement of clause 6(a) of rule XIII with respect to the same day consideration of certain resolutions reported by the Rules Committee : report (to accompany H. Res. 242) Waiving a Requirement of Clause 6 (a) of Rule XIII with Respect to the Same Day Consideration of Certain Resolutions Reported by the Rules Committee |
2 |
Y 1.1/8:109-61/ | Occupational Safety and Health Small Employer Access to Justice Act of 2005 : report ... (to accompany H.R. 742) (including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office) | 1 |
Y 1.1/8:109-61/PT.1-2 | Occupational Safety and Health Small Employer Access to Justice Act of 2005 : report ... (to accompany H.R. 742) (including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office) | 1 |
Y 1.1/8:109-62 |
Concurrent Resolution on the Budget for FY2006 Concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006 : conference report (to accompany H. Con. Res. 95) |
2 |
Y 1.1/8:109-63 |
Waiving points of order against the conference report to accompany H. Con. Res. 95, the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006 : report (to accompany H. Res. 248) Waiving Points of Order Against the Conference Report To Accompany H. Con. Res. 95, the Concurrent Resolution on the Budget for FY2006 |
2 |
Y 1.1/8:109-64 |
Technical Corrections to Title 17, U.S. Code, Relating to Copyright Royalty Judges Technical corrections to Title 17, United States Code, relating to copyright royalty judges : report (to accompany H.R. 1036) (including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office) |
2 |
Y 1.1/8:109-65 |
Faster and Smarter Funding for First Responders Act of 2005 : report (to accompany H.R. 1544) (including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office) Faster and Smarter Funding for First Responders Act of 2005 |
2 |
Y 1.1/8:109-66/ | Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act : report (to accompany H.R. 22) (including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office) | 1 |
Y 1.1/8:109-66/PT.1 | Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act | 1 |
Y 1.1/8:109-67 |
Federal Deposit Insurance Reform Act of 2005 Federal Deposit Insurance Reform Act of 2005 : report (to accompany H.R. 1185) (including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office) |
2 |
Y 1.1/8:109-68 |
Stop Counterfeiting in Manufactured Goods Act Providing for consideration of H.R. 1544, Faster and Smarter Funding for First Responders Act of 2005 : report (to accompany H. Res. 269) |
2 |
Y 1.1/8:109-69 |
Providing for consideration of H.R. 366, Vocational and Technical Education for the Future Act : report (to accompany H. Res. 254) Providing for Consideration of H.R. 366, Vocational and Technical Education for the Future Act |
2 |
Y 1.1/8:109-70 |
Providing for Consideration of H.R. 1185, Federal Deposit Insurance Reform Act of 2005 Providing for consideration of H.R. 1185, Federal Deposit Insurance Reform Act of 2005 : report (to accompany H. Res. 255) |
2 |
Y 1.1/8:109-71/PT.1- | Department of Homeland Security Authorization Act for fiscal year 2006 : report together with minority and additional views(to accompany H.R. 1817) | 1 |
Y 1.1/8:109-71/PT.2 | Department of Homeland Security Authorization Act for FY2006 | 1 |
Y 1.1/8:109-71/PT.3 | Department of Homeland Security Authorization Act for FY2006 | 1 |
Y 1.1/8:109-72 |
Making emergency supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2005, and for other purposes : conference report (to accompany H.R. 1268) Making Emergency Supplemental Appropriations for the Fiscal Year Ending Sept. 30, 2005 |
2 |
Y 1.1/8:109-73 |
Waiving Points of Order Against the Conference Report To Accompany H.R. 1268, Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for Defense, the Global War on Terror, and Tsunami Relief Act, 2005 Waiving points of order against the conference report to accompany H.R. 1268, Emergency Supplemental Appropriations for Defense, the Global War on Terror, and Tsunami Relief Act, 2005 : report (to accompany H. Res. 258) |
2 |