Call Number (LC) Title Results
Y 1.1/8:97-962/pt.1 Designating Certain Lands in the Mark Twain National Forest, Mo., Which Comprise About 17,562 Acres, and Known As the Irish Wilderness, As a Component of the National Wilderness Preservation System 1
Y 1.1/8:97-963 Providing for the consideration of House Joint Resolution 631 : report (to accompany H. Res. 626) 1
Y 1.1/8:97-964 Futures Trading Act of 1982 : conference report (to accompany H.R. 5447)
Futures Trading Act of 1982
Y 1.1/8:97-965 Report on investigation : report /
Report on Investigation
Y 1.1/8:97-966 Providing for the consideration of S. 1964 : report (to accompany H. Res. 628) 1
Y 1.1/8:97-967 Amending the rules of the House of Representatives to establish an Office for the Bicentennial of the House of Representatives : report (to accompany H. Res. 621)
Amending the Rules of the House of Representatives To Establish an Office for the Bicentennial of the House of Representatives
Y 1.1/8:97-968 Contempt of Congress : report of the Committee on Public Works and Transportation together with additional views, minority views, and additional minority views, on the congressional proceedings against Anne M. Gorsuch, Administrator, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, for withholding subpoenaed documents relating to the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980.
Contempt of Congress
Y 1.1/8:97-969 Providing for the consideration of H.R. 7379 : report (to accompany H. Res. 629) 1
Y 1.1/8:97-970 Providing for the consideration of H.R. 3191 : report (to accompany H. Res. 630) 1
Y 1.1/8:97-971 Providing for the consideration of S. 1965 : report (to accompany H. Res. 631) 1
Y 1.1/8:97-972 Making appropriations for the government of the District of Columbia for fiscal year 1983 : conference report (to accompany H.R. 7144)
Making Appropriations for the Government of D.C. for FY83
Y 1.1/8:97-973 Report on the Activities of the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence 1
Y 1.1/8:97-974 Implementation of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act : report /
Implementation of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act
Y 1.1/8:97-975 False Identification Crime Control Act of 1982 : conference report (to accompany H.R. 6946)
False Identification Crime Control Act of 1982
Y 1.1/8:97-976 Small and minority business ownership in the cable television industry : a report of the Committee on Small Business, House of Representatives, Ninety-seventh Congress, second session.
Small and Minority Business Ownership in the Cable Television Industry
Y 1.1/8:97-977 Education Consolidation and Improvement Act technical amendments : report (to accompany H.R. 7336) (including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office)
Education Consolidation and Improvement Act Technical Amendments
Y 1.1/8:97-978 Making appropriations for the Department of the Interior and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1983, and for other purposes : conference report (to accompany H.R. 7356)
Making Appropriations for the Department of the Interior and Related Agencies for the Fiscal Year Ending Sept. 30, 1983
Y 1.1/8:97-979 Tribally Controlled Community College Assistance Act amendments : conference report (to accompany S. 2623)
Tribally Controlled Community College Assistance Act Amendments
Y 1.1/8:97-980 Making further continuing appropriations and providing for productive employment for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1983 : conference report (to accompany H.J. Res. 631)
Making Further Continuing Appropriations and Providing for Productive Employment for the Fiscal Year Ending Sept. 30, 1983
Y 1.1/8:97-982 Improving fishery conservation and management : conference report (to accompany H.R. 5002) 1