Call Number (LC) Title Results
Y 1.3:S.PUB.106-16 Pictorial Guide to Senate Floor Staff 106th Congress. 1
Y 1.3:S.PUB.106-18 Opening Prayers Impeachment Trial of the President of the U.S.
Opening prayers : impeachment trial of the president of the United States, January 7-February 12, 1999 /
Y 1.3:S.PUB.106-20 U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee
The U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee /
Y 1.3:S.PUB.106-26 U.S. Senate Library
United States Senate Library.
Y 1.3:S.PUB.106-28 The Vice Presidential Bust Collection.
Vice Presidential Bust Collection
Y 1.3:S.PUB.106-29 Senate Art in Stamps
Senate art in stamps.
Y 1.3:S.PUB.106-30 Committee and Subcommittee Assignments For the One Hundred Sixth Congress. 1
Y 1.3:S.PUB.106-31 John H. Chafee, Late a Senator from Rhode Island, Memorial Tributes and Addresses
Memorial tributes held in the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States together with memorial services in eulogy of John H. Chafee, late a senator from Rhode Island, One Hundred Sixth Congress, first session.
Y 1.3:S.PUB.106-32 Senate Vestibule
The Senate Vestibule.
Y 1.3:S.PUB.106-34 Office of the Secretary of the Senate
The Office of the Secretary of the Senate.
Y 1.3:S.PUB.106-36 Capitol Dome
The Capitol dome /
Y 1.3:S.PUB.106-44 U.S. Senate Leadership Portrait Collection
The U.S. Senate leadership portrait collection.
Y 1.3:S.PUB.106-46 U.S. Senate records : guidelines for committee staff.
U.S. Senate Records Guidelines for Committee Staff.
Y 1.3:S.PUB.106-48 Senators of the U.S. 1789-2000 A Chronological List of Senators from the First Congress to the 106th Congress. 1
Y 1.3:S.PUB.106-50 United States Senate : map and directory.
U.S. Senate Map and Directory
Y 1.3:S.PUB.106-51 Committee and Subcommittee Assignments For the One Hundred Sixth Congress. 1
Y 1.3:S.PUB.106-52 Advisory Committee on the Records of Congress : (established under authority of Public Law 101-509, November 5, 1990) : third report, December 31, 2000 /
Advisory Committee on the Records of Congress
Y 1.3:S.PUB.107-2 U.S. Senate One Hundred Seventh Congress, 2001-2002. 1
Y 1.3:S.PUB.107-5 Pictorial Guide to Senate Floor Staff 107th Congress. 1
Y 1.3:S.PUB.107-6 Russell Senate Office Building 1