Call Number (LC) Title Results
Y 10.12:C 43 Feeding children Federal child nutrition policies in the 1980s / 1
Y 10.12:C 73 Community development block grants reauthorization issues / 1
Y 10.12:D 14 Consequences of dairy price support policy 1
Y 10.12:D 36 The costs of defense manpower, issues for 1977 1
Y 10.12:Ed 8 Elementary, secondary, and vocational education an examination of alternative Federal roles.
Elementary, secondary, and vocational education : an examination of alternative Federal roles.
Y 10.12:El 2 Long-term care for the elderly and disabled
Long-term care for the elderly and disabled.
Y 10.12:Em 7 Public employment and training assistance, alternative Federal approaches 1
Y 10.12:EN 2  
Y 10.12:En 2 Energy research, development, demonstration, and commercialization 1
Y 10.12:En 2/2 Energy policy alternatives 1
Y 10.12:F 22 Protecting the farmer against natural hazards issues and options /
Protecting the farmer against natural hazards : issues and options /
Y 10.12:F 73 The food stamp program, income or food - supplement? 1
Y 10.12:F 73/2 Food and agriculture policy options 1
Y 10.12:F 74 U.S. air and ground conventional forces for NATO overview / 1
Y 10.12:F 74/2 U.S. projection forces requirements, scenarios, and options. 1
Y 10.12:H 19/981 Urban transportation for handicapped persons alternative Federal approaches / 1
Y 10.12:H 34 Catastrophic health insurance 1
Y 10.12:H 75 Homeownership, the changing relationship of costs and incomes, and possible Federal roles 1
Y 10.12:H 79/980 Controlling rising hospital costs 1
Y 10.12:H 81 Housing assistance for low-and moderate-income families 1