Call Number (LC) Title Results
Y 10.12:H 81/2 The long-term costs of lower-income housing assistance programs 1
Y 10.12:In 8 International financial institutions, background and budget options for fiscal year 1978 1
Y 10.12:L 41 Federal law enforcement assistance alternative approaches /
Federal law enforcement assistance : alternative approaches /
Y 10.12:L 41/2 The Law Enforcement Assistance Administration options for reauthorization / 1
Y 10.12:M 33 The Marine Corps in the 1980s prestocking proposals, the rapid deployment force, and other issues / 1
Y 10.12:M 59 Assessing the NATO/WARSAW pact military balance
Assessing the NATO/WARSAW pact military balance.
Y 10.12:M 69 The MX missile and multiple protective structure basing long-term budgetary implications / 1
Y 10.12:N 21 National service programs and their effects on military manpower and civilian youth problems 1
Y 10.12:N 22 Planning U.S. general purpose forces the Navy / 1
Y 10.12:N 22/2/980 Navy budget issues for fiscal year 1980 1
Y 10.12:N 22/3/981-85 Shaping the general purpose Navy of the eighties issues for fiscal years 1981-1985 / 1
Y 10.12:N 88 Planning U.S. general purpose forces the theater nuclear forces.
Planning U.S. general purpose forces : the theater nuclear forces.
Y 10.12:N 88/2 U.S. strategic nuclear forces, deterrence policies and procurement issues 1
Y 10.12:N 88/3 Planning U.S. strategic nuclear forces for the 1980s
Planning U.S. strategic nuclear forces for the 1980s /
Y 10.12:N 93 Nursing education and training alternative Federal approaches / 1
Y 10.12:Ov 2 Planning U.S. general purpose forces, overview 1
Y 10.12:P 29 Capping federal pay alternative pay adjustments for fiscal year 1979 / 1
Y 10.12:P 84 Postsecondary education, the current Federal role and alternative approaches 1
Y 10.12:P 84/2/979 Federal assistance for postsecondary education options for fiscal year 1979. 1
Y 10.12:P 93 Federal prison construction, alternative approaches 1