Call Number (LC) Title Results
Y 10.2:M 31/2 Mandatory Spending: Trends and Sources of Growth CBO Staff Memorandum.
Mandatory spending : trends and sources of growth.
Y 10.2:M 33 Moving the Marine Corps by sea in the 1990s 1
Y 10.2:M 33/2 Effective marginal tax rates on labor income 2
Y 10.2:M 34 For better or for worse marriage and the federal income tax.
For better or for worse : marriage and the federal income tax.
Y 10.2:M 34/2 Federal Responses to Market Turmoil CBO Testimony.
Federal responses to market turmoil testimony /
Y 10.2:M 35/2013 Macroeconomic effects of alternative budgetary paths / 1
Y 10.2:M 36/2 The future of the Navy's amphibious and maritime prepositioning forces 1
Y 10.2:M 46/2 Containing medical care costs through market forces 1
Y 10.2:M 46/3 Changing the structure of Medicare benefits issues and options. 1
Y 10.2:M 46/4 Subsidies under Medicare and the potential for disenrollment under a voluntary catastrophic program
Subsidies under Medicare and the potential for disenrollment under a voluntary catastrophic program.
Y 10.2:M 46/5 Updated estimates of Medicare's catastrophic drug insurance program 1
Y 10.2:M 46/6 Medicare's disproportionate share adjustment for hospitals 1
Y 10.2:M 46/7 Medicare and graduate medical education
Medicare and graduate medical education.
Y 10.2:M 46/8 Issues in designing a prescription drug benefit for Medicare
Issues in designing a prescription drug benefit for Medicare.
Y 10.2:M 46/9 Growth in medical spending by the Department of Defense
Growth in medical spending by the Department of Defense.
Y 10.2:M 46/10 Potential growth paths for medical spending by the Department of Veterans Affairs
Potential growth paths for medical spending by the Department of Veterans Affairs
Y 10.2:M 46/11 Medicaid spending growth and options for controlling costs before the Special Committee on Aging, United States Senate / 1
Y 10.2:M 46/12 Measures of the U.S. government's fiscal position under current law
Measures of the U.S. government's fiscal position under current law
Y 10.2:M 46/13 Medicaid's reimbursements to pharmacies for prescription drugs 1
Y 10.2:M 46/14 High-cost Medicare beneficiaries 1