Call Number (LC) Title Results
Y 10.2:M 46/9 Growth in medical spending by the Department of Defense
Growth in medical spending by the Department of Defense.
Y 10.2:M 46/10 Potential growth paths for medical spending by the Department of Veterans Affairs
Potential growth paths for medical spending by the Department of Veterans Affairs
Y 10.2:M 46/11 Medicaid spending growth and options for controlling costs before the Special Committee on Aging, United States Senate / 1
Y 10.2:M 46/12 Measures of the U.S. government's fiscal position under current law
Measures of the U.S. government's fiscal position under current law
Y 10.2:M 46/13 Medicaid's reimbursements to pharmacies for prescription drugs 1
Y 10.2:M 46/14 High-cost Medicare beneficiaries 1
Y 10.2:M 46/15 Medicare's physician payment rates and the sustainable growth rate before the Subcommittee on Health, Committee on Energy and Commerce, U.S. House of Representatives / 1
Y 10.2:M 46/16 The sustainable growth rate formula for setting Medicare's physician payment rates 1
Y 10.2:M 46/17 Designing a premium support system for Medicare 1
Y 10.2:M 46/17/2013 A premium support system for Medicare : analysis of illustrative options. 1
Y 10.2:M 46/18 Future Medical Spending by the Department of Veterans Affairs CBO Testimony.
Future medical spending by the Department of Veterans Affairs statement of Allison Percy, principal analyst, before the Subcommittee on Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Committee on Appropriations, U.S. House of Representatives.
Y 10.2:M 46/20 Medicare's Payments to Physicians Options for Changing the Sustainable Growth Rate, CBO Testimony.
Medicare's payments to physicians options for changing the sustainable growth rate /
Y 10.2:M 46/21 Medicare Advantage Program Trends and Options, CBO Testimony.
The Medicare advantage program trends and options /
Y 10.2:M 46/22 Medicare Advantage Program Enrollment Trends and Budgetary Effects, CBO Testimony.
The Medicare advantage program enrollment trends and budgetary effects /
Y 10.2:M 46/23 Effects of medicare's drug pricing on other purchasers 1
Y 10.2:M 46/24 Medicare advantage statistics by state 1
Y 10.2:M 46/26 Medicare Advantage Private Health Plans in Medicare, CBO Economic and Budget Issue Brief.
Medicare advantage private health plans in Medicare.
Y 10.2:M 46/27 Medicare Advantage Program CBO Testimony.
The Medicare Advantage Program statement of Peter R. Orszag, director, before the Committee on the Budget, U.S. House of Representatives.
Y 10.2:M 46/28 Accounting for Sources of Projected Growth in Federal Spending on Medicare and Medicaid CBO Economic and Budget Issue Brief.
Accounting for sources of projected growth in federal spending on Medicare and Medicaid
Y 10.2:M 46/29 Spending Patterns for Prescription Drugs Under Medicare Part D CBO Economic and Budget Issue Brief.
Spending patterns for prescription drugs under Medicare Part D.