Call Number (LC) Title Results
Y 10.2:M 59/6 Options for change in military medical care
Options for change in military medical care.
Y 10.2:M 59/7 Modifying military retirement alternative approaches. 1
Y 10.2:M 59/8 Elimination of double tax benefits for military homeowners 1
Y 10.2:M 59/9 Reforming the military health care system.
Reforming the military health care system
Y 10.2:M 59/10 Options for paying military physicians
Options for paying military physicians.
Y 10.2:M 59/11 Paying for military readiness and upkeep trends in operation and maintenance spending.
Paying for military readiness and upkeep : trends in operation and maintenance spending.
Y 10.2:M 59/14 Estimated Cost of the Administration's Proposal To Increase the Army's and the Marine Corps' Personnel Levels
Estimated cost of the administration's proposal to increase the Army's and the Marine Corps's personnel levels
Y 10.2:M 59/15 Evaluating military compensation.
Evaluating Military Compensation CBO Study.
Evaluating military compensation
Y 10.2:M 59/16 The all-volunteer military : issues and performance.
The all-volunteer military issues and performance.
All-Volunteer Military Issues and Performance, CBO Study.
Y 10.2:M 59/19 What does the military "pay gap" mean?. 1
Y 10.2:M 59/20 Effects of a constrained budget on U.S. military forces. 1
Y 10.2:M 59/21 Youth population decline and prospects for military recruiting in the 1990s. 1
Y 10.2:M 59/22 Approaches to reducing federal spending on military health care : actual and projected costs for military health care as a share of DOD's base budget, 2000 to 2028 / 1
Y 10.2:M 59/23 Approaches to changing military compensation. 1
Y 10.2:M 59/24 The cost of supporting military bases / 1
Y 10.2:M 59/25 The U.S. military's force structure : a primer / 1
Y 10.2:M 66 The Effects of a Minimum-Wage Increase on Employment and Family Income
The effects of a minimum-wage increase on employment and family income.
Y 10.2:M 66/2 The effects on employment and family income of increasing the federal minimum wage. 1
Y 10.2:M 69 Alternatives for boost-phase missile defense A CBO study.
Alternatives for boost-phase missile defense.
Y 10.2:M 69/2 Options for Deploying Missile Defenses in Europe CBO Study.
Options for deploying missile defenses in Europe.
Options for deploying missile defenses in Europe