Call Number (LC) Title Results
Y 3.At 7:22/RME-4568 Reconnaissance for uranium in the Arica area, Province of Tarapaca, Chile / 1
Y 3.At 7:22/RME-4581 Uranium in Peru / 1
Y 3.AT 7:22/RMO-44 Experimental simulation of plateau type uranium deposits / 1
Y 3.At 7:22/RMO-547 Selected bibliography of published references on uranium occurrences and radioactive ore deposits of possible interest to the petroleum industry. 1
Y 3.AT 7:22/RMO-563 Mineralogy of uranium and thorium bearing minerals / 1
Y 3.AT 7:22/RMO-697 Review of airborne radioactivity survey techniques in the Colorado Plateau / 1
Y 3.AT 7:22/RMO-732 Geology of uranium deposits : a condensed summary / 1
Y 3.At 7:22/RMO-754 Geology and ore deposits of Mesa V, Lukachukai district, Arizona / 1
Y 3.At 7:22/RMO-755 Reconnaissance of Red Rock District, Cove Mesa, and Kinusta (tree) Mesa, Arizona / 1
Y 3.AT 7:22/RMO-802 Geology and ore deposits of Mesa VI Lukachukai District, Arizona / 1
Y 3.AT 7:22/RMO-803 Geology and ore deposits of Mesa VII : Lukachukai District, Arizona, / 1
Y 3.At 7:22/RMO-831 Preliminary memorandum of a portion of the "Benny K" claims, Piute County, Utah / 1
Y 3.At 7:22/RMO-864 Preliminary memorandum on the Trinity Mines, Marysvale, Utah / 1
Y 3.At 7:22/RMO-904 Progress report on gamma-ray logging activities / 1
Y 3.AT 7:22/RMO-912 Geological investigation of the Trachyte District, Henry Mountains, Utah / 1
Y 3.At 7:22/RMO-924 Annual report for July 1, 1951 to June 30, 1952. 1
Y 3.At 7:22/RMO-981 Accessory mineral studies of some California beach sands / 1
Y 3.At 7:22/RMO-2612 Continuous electrolytic tests : topical report / 1
Y 3.At 7:22/RMO-2616 Development of a char-in-pulp process for the recovery of uranium : interim report / 1
Y 3.At 7:22/RMO-2617 A study of the factors affecting the efficienct of carbonate leaching : interim report / 1