Call Number (LC) Title Results
Y 3.Eq 2:2 Em 7/2 Seven steps to equal employment opportunity. 1
Y 3.EQ 2:2 EM 7/3 Toward fair employment and the EEOC : a study of compliance procedures under Title VII of the Civil rights act of 1964 / 1
Y 3.Eq 2:2 Em 7/5/976 EEOC at a glance. 1
Y 3.Eq 2:2 Em 7/7 Employment opportunities in the schools : job patterns of minorities and women in public elementary and secondary schools, 1975. 1
Y 3.EQ 2:2 EM 7/9 Questions & answers for small employers on employer liability for harassment by supervisors
Questions & answers for small employers on elployer liability for harassment by supervisors.
Y 3.EQ 2:2 EM 7/9/CREOLE Kesyon ak repons pou ti biznis sou responsablite met travay-yo le yon sipevize komet nwizans. 1
Y 3.EQ 2:2 EM 7/9/SPAN Preguntas y respuestos para los pequeños empleadores sobre su responsibilidad en materia del hostigamiento cometido por supervisores. 1
Y 3.EQ 2:2 EM 7/10 The story of the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission : ensuring the promise of opportunity for 35 years, 1965-2000.
The story of the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission ensuring the promise of opportunity for 35 years, 1965-2000.
Y 3.EQ 2:2 EM 7/11 Employment discrimination based on religion, ethnicity, or country of origin. 1
Y 3.EQ 2:2 EM 7/12 Questions and answers about employer responsibilities concerning the employment of Muslims, Arabs, South Asians, and Sikhs. 1
Y 3.Eq 2:2 En 2 Enforcement, investigative compliance, remedies : policies of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. 1
Y 3.EQ 2:2 EN 2/4/NOT Executive summary : enforcement guidance on preemployment disability-related inquiries and medical examinations under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. 2
Y 3.EQ 2:2 EN 2/6 ADA enforcement guidance : preemployment disability-related questions and medical examinations. 2
Y 3.EQ 2:2 EN 2/7/NOT EEOC enforcement guidance : workers' compensation and the ADA. 1
Y 3.Eq 2:2 EN 2/9/NOT EEOC enforcement guidance on the effect of representations made in applications for benefits on the determination of whether a person is a "qualified individual with a disability" under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) 1
Y 3.Eq 2:2 En 2/10/Not EEOC Enforcement guidance : the Americans with Disabilities Act and psychiatric disabilities. 1
Y 3.EQ 2:2 EN 2/12/NOT Enforcement guidance vicarious employer liability for unlawful harassment by supervisors.
Enforcement guidance : vicarious employer liability for unlawful harassment by supervisors.
Y 3.EQ 2:2 EP 4 Questions and answers about epilepsy in the workplace and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) 1
Y 3.EQ 2:2 EQ 2 Facts about equal pay and compensation discrimination. 1
Y 3.EQ 2:2 EQ 2/2 Equal Pay Act of 1963 and Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009. 1