Call Number (LC) Title Results
Y 3.H 62:6 P 94 Working with section 106 : 36 CFR part 800 : protection of historic properties : regulations of the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation governing the section 106 review process. 1
Y 3.H 62:8/2001035249 Protecting historic properties a citizen's guide to Section 106 review. 1
Y 3.H 62:8 Ar 2 Treatment of archeological properties : a handbook : a guide to principles, procedures, and methods for the treatment of archeological properties in accordance with 36 CFR Part 800 / 1
Y 3.H 62:8 P 92 Where to look : a guide to preservation information / 1
Y 3.H 62:9/1 Supplementary guidance : preparation of memoranda of agreement. 1
Y 3.H 62:9/2 Memorandum : information regarding suspension of portions of 36 CFR Part 800. 1
Y 3.H 62:9/3 Manual of mitigation measures (MOMM) 1
Y 3.H 62:P 92/3  
Y 3.H 71:12 D 81/2 Living the dream : let freedom ring! : The National Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday celebration, Monday, January 15, 1990. 1
Y 3.H 73:1/ Annual report of the Permanent Committee for the Oliver Wendell Holmes Devise for the year ending . 1
Y 3.H 74:2 AR 7 A request for artifacts, documents, photographs & oral histories. 1
Y 3.H 74:2 B 47 The Holocaust : a general annotated bibliography, an introduction. 1
Y 3.H 74:2 C 43 The National Learning Center presents "Remember the children" : an exhibit for children about the Holocaust : Capital Children's Museum, 800 Third Street, N.E., Washington, D.C. 1
Y 3.H 74:2 C 43/2 Remember the children : Daniel's story. 1
Y 3.H 74:2 C 43/3 The story of Karl Stojka : a childhood in Birkenau : exhibition at the embassy of Austria, April 30 to May 29, 1992 : catalogue / 1
Y 3.H 74:2 C 73 Commemorative observances for Days of remembrance / 1
Y 3.H 74:2 C 73/2 A National commitment to remembrance : official groundbreaking, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum : Days of Remembrance 1986, national civic commemoration. 1
Y 3.H 74:2 C 83 United States Holocaust Memorial Council / 1
Y 3.H 74:2 D 22/2/PACK  
Y 3.H 74:2 D 22/PACK [Daniel's story] 1