Call Number (LC) Title Results
Y 3.N 21/5:6/1189 Pressure-distribution measurements on the rotating blades of a single-stage axial-flow compressor / 1
Y 3.N 21/5:6/1190 Wake measurements behind a wing section of a fighter aiprlane in fast dives / 1
Y 3.N 21/5:6/1191 Two-dimensional wind-tunnel investigation of four types of high-lift flap on an NACA 65-210 airfoil section / 1
Y 3.N 21/5:6/1192 Charts showing relations among primary aerodynamic variables for helicopter-performance estimation /
Charts showing relations among primary aerodynamic variables for helicopter-performance estimation /
Y 3.N 21/5:6/1193 Effect of product of inertia on lateral stability /
Effect of product of inertia on lateral stability /
Y 3.N 21/5:6/1194 Effect of finite span on the airload distributions for oscillating wings. : 1 - Aerodynamic theory of oscillating wings of finite span /
Effect of finite span on the airload distributions for oscillating wings.
Y 3.N 21/5:6/1195 Effect of finite span on the airload distributions for oscillating wing. : 2 - Methods of calculation and examples of application / 1
Y 3.N 21/5:6/1196 Investigations of effects of surface temperature and single roughness elements on boundary-layer transistion / 1
Y 3.N 21/5:6/1197 Some investigations of the general instability of stiffened metal cylinders. : 8 - Stiffened metal cylinders subjected to pure torsion /
Some investigations of the general instability of stiffened metal cylinders.
Y 3.N 21/5:6/1198 Some investigations of the general instability of stiffened metal cylinders. : 9 - Criterions for the design of stiffened metal cylinders subject to general instability failures /
Some investigations of the general instability of stiffened metal cylinders.
Y 3.N 21/5:6/1199 Charts of pressure rise obtainable with airfoil-type axial-flow cooling fans /
Charts of pressure rise obtainable with airfoil-type axial-flow cooling fans /
Y 3.N 21/5:6/1200 Tentative tables for the properties of the upper atmosphere
Tentative tables for the properties of the upper atmosphere /
Y 3.N 21/5:6/1201 Performance of axial-flow fan and compressor blades designed for high loadings /
Performance of axial-flow fan and compressor blades designed for high loadings /
Y 3.N 21/5:6/1202 Measurements of the pressure distribution on the horizontal tail surface of a typical propeller-driven pursuit airplane in flight. : 2 - The effect of angle of sideslip and propeller operation /
Measurements of the pressure distribution on the horizontal tail surface of a typical propeller-driven pursuit airplane in flight.
Y 3.N 21/5:6/1203 A flight investigation to increase the safety of a light airplane /
A Flight investigation to increase the safety of a light plane /
Y 3.N 21/5:6/1204 Effect of centrifugal force on the elastic curve of a vibrating cantilever beam /
Effect of centrifugal force on the elastic curve of a vibrating cantilever beam /
Y 3.N 21/5:6/1205 Data on optimum length, shear strength, and tensile strength of age-hardened 17S-T machine-countersunk rivets in 7S-T sheet /
Data on optimum length, shear strength, and tensile strength of age-hardened 17S-T machine-countersunk rivets in 75S-T sheet /
Y 3.N 21/5:6/1206 In-line aircraft-engine bearing loads. : 3 - Main-bearing loads /
In-line aircraft-engine bearing loads.
Y 3.N 21/5:6/1207 Reactions with steel of compounds containing chemical groups used in lubricant additives / 1
Y 3.N 21/5:6/1208 Investigation of stability and control characteristics of an airplane model with skewed wing in the Langley free-flight tunnel / 1