Y 3.N 21/5:6/2034
First-order theory for unsteady motion of thin wings at supersonic speeds / |
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Y 3.N 21/5:6/2035
A method of determining the effect of airplane stability on the gust load factor / |
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Y 3.N 21/5:6/2036
Charts of airplane acceleration ratio for gusts of arbitrary shape / |
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Y 3.N 21/5:6/2037
Resistance of six cast high-temperature alloys to cracking caused by thermal shock / |
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Y 3.N 21/5:6/2038
Compressive properties of titanium sheet at elevated temperatures / |
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Y 3.N 21/5:6/2039
Investigation of fretting corrosion by microscopic observation / |
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Y 3.N 21/5:6/2040
Analysis of an induction blowdown supersonic tunnel / |
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Y 3.N 21/5:6/2041
An experimental investigation of the NACA 63₁-012 airfoil section with leading-edge and midchord suction slots / |
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Y 3.N 21/5:6/2042
Time-dependent downwash at the tail and the pitching moment due to normal acceleration at supersonic speeds / |
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Y 3.N 21/5:6/2043
Experimental analysis of a pressure-sensitive system for sensing gas temperature / |
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Y 3.N 21/5:6/2044
Pressure distribution and some effects of viscosity on slender inclined bodies of revolution / |
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Y 3.N 21/5:6/2045
Approximate turbulent boundary-layer development in plane compressible flow along thermally insulated surfaces with application to supersonic-tunnel contour correction / |
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Y 3.N 21/5:6/2046
A method of calibrating airspeed installations on airplanes at transonic and supersonic speeds by use of temperature measurements / |
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Y 3.N 21/5:6/2047
Pressure distribution and damping in steady roll at supersonic Mach numbers of flat swept-back wings with subsonic edges / |
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Y 3.N 21/5:6/2048
Theoretical lift and damping in roll of thin sweptback tapered wings with raked-in and cross-stream wing tips at supersonic speeds / |
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Y 3.N 21/5:6/2049
Analysis of factors influencing the stability characteristics of symmetrical twin-intake air-induction systems / |
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Y 3.N 21/5:6/2050
Properties of a boron carbide-iron ceramal / |
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Y 3.N 21/5:6/2051
Spin-tunnel investigation to determine the effect on spin recoveries of reducing the opening shock load of spin-recovery parachutes / |
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Y 3.N 21/5:6/2052
Effects of an aging treatment on life of small cast Vitallium gas-turbine blades / |
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Y 3.N 21/5:6/2053
Effect of heat and power extraction on turbojet-engine performance. : 1 - Analytical method of performance evaluation with compressor-outlet air bleed / |
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