Y 3.N 21/5:6/3047
Impingement of water droplets on NACA 65A004 airfoil and effect of change in airfoil thickness from 12 to 4 percent at 4 degree angle of attack / |
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Y 3.N 21/5:6/3048
Experimental investigation of the effects of cooling on friction and on boundary-layer transistion for low-speed gas flow at the entry of a tube / |
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Y 3.N 21/5:6/3049
An analytical investigation of the effect of the rate of increase of turbulent kinetic energy in the stream direction on the development of turbulent boundary layers in adverse pressure gradients / |
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Y 3.N 21/5:6/3050
A photographic method for determining vertical velocities of aircraft immediately prior to landing / |
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Y 3.N 21/5:6/3051
Gust loads and operating airspeeds of one type of four-engine transport airplane on three routes from 1949 to 1953 / |
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Y 3.N 21/5:6/3052
The effect of vertical chine strips on the planing characteristics of V-shaped prismatic surfaces having angles of dead rise of 20 degrees and 40 degrees / |
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Y 3.N 21/5:6/3053
A new method of analyzing extreme-value data / |
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Y 3.N 21/5:6/3054
Investigation at supersonic speeds of the wave drag of seven boattail bodies of revolution designed for minimum wave drag / |
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Y 3.N 21/5:6/3055
Friction and wear investigation of molybdenum disulfide. : 1 - Effect of moisture / |
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Y 3.N 21/5:6/3056
A flight investigation of laminar and turbulent boundary layers passing through shock waves at full-scale Reynolds numbers / |
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Y 3.N 21/5:6/3057
A simplified mathematical model for calculating aerodynamic loading and downwash for wing-fuselage combinations with wings / |
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Y 3.N 21/5:6/3058
Transient temperature distributions in simple conducting bodies steadily heated through a laminar boundary layer / |
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Y 3.N 21/5:6/3059
Elastic buckling under combined stresses of flat plates with integral waffle-like stiffening / |
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Y 3.N 21/5:6/3060
Use of electric analogs for calculation of temperature distribution of cooled turbine blades / |
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Y 3.N 21/5:6/3061
Stresses around rectangular cutouts in torsion boxes / |
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Y 3.N 21/5:6/3062
A flight investigation of the practical problems associated with porous-leading-edge suction / |
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Y 3.N 21/5:6/3063
Effects of wing position and fuselage size on the low-speed static and rolling stability characteristics of a delta-wing model / |
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Y 3.N 21/5:6/3064
Data on the compressive strength of skin-stringer panels of various materials / |
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Y 3.N 21/5:6/3065
Present status of information relative to the prediction of shock-induced boundary-layer separation / |
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Y 3.N 21/5:6/3066
Effect of surface roughness over the downstream region of a 23 degree conical diffuser / |
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