Call Number (LC) Title Results
Y 3.N 81/8:16 SA 3 A review of salmon recovery strategies for the Columbia River Basin 1
Y 3.N 81/8:16 SP 4 Snake River spill-transport review a scientific review of seasonal variation in the benefit of transportation of smolts from four Snake River evolutionary significant units (spring/summer chinook, steelhead, sockeye, and fall chinook) 1
Y 3.N 81/8:16 ST 1 Recommendation for stable flows in the Hanford Reach during the time when juvenile fall chinook are present each spring 1
Y 3.N 81/8:16 SU 7 Review of the Comparative Survival Study's (CSS) ten-year retrospective summary report 1
Y 3.N 81/8:16 SU 7/2 Review of salmon and steelhead supplementation 1
Y 3.N 81/8:16 SU 7/3 ISAB review of the 2005 comparative survival studies' annual report and applicability of comparative survival studies' analysis results 1
Y 3.N 81/8:16 SU 7/4 Review of the Interior Columbia River Technical Recovery Team's analyses of survival changes needed to meet viability criteria 1
Y 3.N 81/8:16 T 68 Response to the questions of the implementation team regarding juvenile salmon transportation in the 1998 season 1
Y 3.N 81/8:16 T 73 A review of strategies for recovering tributary habitat 1
Y 3.N 81/8:16 V 65 Viability of ESUs containing multiple types of populations 1
Y 3.N 81/8:16 V 65/2 Review of draft viability criteria for application to interior Columbia Basin salmonid ESUs 1
Y 3.N 81/8:17/AC 8/2 Review of March 27, 2002 draft guidelines for action effectiveness research proposals for FCRPS offsite mitigation habitat measures 1
Y 3.N 81/8:17/AC 8/2001 Review of fiscal year 2001 action plan proposals for the Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program 1
Y 3.N 81/8:17/AC 8/2001-2 Final review of fiscal year 2001 action plan proposals including responses to ISRP comments 1
Y 3.N 81/8:17 AL 5 Review of the All-H Analyzer (AHA) 1
Y 3.N 81/8:17 AN 1/2004/PT.1 Review of fiscal year 2004 pre-proposals for the United States Army Corps of Engineers' Anadromous Fish Evaluation Program 1
Y 3.N 81/8:17 AN 1/2004/PT.2 Final review of the United States Army Corps of Engineers' Anadromous Fish Evaluation Program for fiscal year 2004 1
Y 3.N 81/8:17/AR 6 Final review Arrowleaf/Methow River coservation project / 1
Y 3.N 81/8:17 C 17 Review of captive propagation program elements programmatic issue 12 for the Mountain Snake and Blue Mountain Provinces / 1
Y 3.N 81/8:17 C 43 Review of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' proposal review and evaluate the success and relevancy of the Chief Joseph Dam wildlife mitigation program. 1