Y 3.N 81/8:17/R 31
Response review of fiscal year 2000 proposals |
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Y 3.N 81/8:17/R 31/2
Review of Council staff's draft research plan for fish and wildlife in the Columbia River basin |
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Y 3.N 81/8:17 R 31/3
Review of revised mainstem systemwide proposals for research, monitoring, and evaluation |
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Y 3.N 81/8:17 R 31/4
Retrospective report 1997-2005 |
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Y 3.N 81/8:17 R 31/5
Review of the council's draft Columbia River Basin research plan |
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Y 3.N 81/8:17 R 31/6
2006 retrospective report |
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Y 3.N 81/8:17 R 31/7
Retrospective report 2007 adaptive management in the Columbia River Basin. |
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Y 3.N 81/8:17 R 32
Final review of proposals submitted for fiscal years 2007-2009 funding through the Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program |
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Y 3.N 81/8:17 R 32/PRELIM
Preliminary review of proposals submitted for fiscal years 2007-2009 funding through the Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program |
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Y 3.N 81/8:17 R 67
Lake Roosevelt kokanee program review |
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Y 3.N 81/8:17 SE 4
Review of the Select Area Fishery Evaluation Project 1993-2003 final project completion report (J. North and others June 2004), project #1990-060-00, (SAFE review) a joint Independent Scientific Review Panel and Independent Economic Analysis Board review for the Northwest Power and Conservation Council. |
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Y 3.N 81/8:17 SE 4/2
SAFE review 2007 review of the Select Area Fishery Evaluation Project reports : final project completion report, October 1993 to October 2005 (April 2006) and economic analysis study (November 2006), project #1993-060-00 : a joint Independent Scientific Review Panel and Independent Economic Analysis Board review for the Northwest Power and Conservation Council. |
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Y 3.N 81/8:17 SE 4/3
Step review of MFWP's response to the ISRP's 2007 review of the revised master plan for the Sekokini Springs isolation facility, Hungry Horse mitigation, project #199101903 |
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Y 3.N 81/8:17/SH 8
ISRP review of the final design of the Shoshone-Bannock/Shoshone-Paiute Joint Culture Facility (project #9500600) |
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Y 3.N 81/8:17 SH 8/2
Review of Shoshone Paiute Tribe's monitoring and evaluation plan for project 199701100 enhance and protect habitat and riparian areas on the Duck Valley Indian Reservation. |
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Y 3.N 81/8:17/SP 8
Review of the northeast Oregon hatchery spring chinook master plan step one review of the Northwest Power Planning Council's three-step review process / |
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Y 3.N 81/8:17 SP 8/2
Step two review of the northeast Oregon hatchery spring chinook master plan |
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Y 3.N 81/8:17 SU 1
Scientific review of subbasin plans for the Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program |
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Y 3.N 81/8:17 SU 6
Review of response to ISRP comments on summer spill study proposal estimating the survival of sub-yearling Chinook salmon through Bonneville Dam during two spill operation scenarios using Radio-Telemetry, 2004 ; Review of summer spill study proposal : estimating the survival of sub-yearling Chinook salmon through Bonneville Dam during two spill operation scenarios using Radio-Telemetry. |
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Y 3.N 81/8:17 SU 7
Review of Idaho supplementation studies IDFG/IOSC #198909800; USFWS #198909801; NPT #19899802 and #199604300; SBT #19899803 / |
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