Y 3.N 88:25/7151
Development of a fault injection-based dependability assessment methodology for digital and I&C systems / |
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Y 3.N 88:25/7152
Rod bundle heat transfer facility : steady-state steam cooling experiments / |
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Y 3.N 88:25/7153/VOL.1-5
Expanded materials degradation assessment (EMDA) |
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Y 3.N 88:25/7154
Risk informing emergency preparedness oversight : evaluation of emergency action levels -- a pilot study of Peach Bottom, Surry and Sequoyah / |
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Y 3.N 88:25/7155
State-of-the-Art Reactor Consequence Analyses Project : uncertainty analysis of the unmitigated long-term station blackout of the Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station / |
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Y 3.N 88:25/7156
Fitness for duty in the nuclear industry : an update of technical issues on drugs of abuse testing and fatigue management / |
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Y 3.N 88:25/7157
Computational benchmark for estimation of reactivity margin from fission products and minor actinides in BWR burnup credit / |
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Y 3.N 88:25/7159
Reliability of ultrasonic in-service inspection of welds in reactor internal of boiling water reactors / |
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Y 3.N 88:25/7160
Emergency preparedness significance quantification process : proof of concept / |
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Y 3.N 88:25/7161
Synthesis of distributions representing important non-site-specific parameters in off-site consequence analyses / |
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Y 3.N 88:25/7163
A formalized approach for the collection of HRA data from nuclear power plant simulators / |
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Y 3.N 88:25/7164
Cross section generation guidelines for TRACE-PARCS / |
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Y 3.N 88:25/7165
The technical basis supporting ASME code, section XI, appendix VIII : performance demonstration for ultrasonic examination / |
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Y 3.N 88:25/7167
Assessing the potential for biorestoration of uranium in situ recovery sites / |
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Y 3.N 88:25/7168
Regulatory approaches for addressing reprocessing facility risks : an assessment / |
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Y 3.N 88:25/7169
Sensors and monitoring to assess grout and vault behavior for performance assessments / |
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Y 3.N 88:25/7171
A review of the effects of radiation on microstructure and properties of concretes used in nuclear power plants / |
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Y 3.N 88:25/7172
Knowledge base report on emergency core cooling sump performance in operating light water reactors / |
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Y 3.N 88:25/7174
Transfer factors for contaminant uptake by fruit and nut trees / |
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Y 3.N 88:25/7175
Susceptibility of nuclear stations to external faults / |
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