Y 3.N 88:53/0441
Assessment against ACHILLES reflood experiment with TRACE V5.0 Patch3 / |
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Y 3.N 88:53/0442
RELAP5/MOD3.3 analysis of steam generator tube rupture (SGTR) accident for NPP Krško / |
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Y 3.N 88:53/0443
Research reactor 'MARIA' primary cooling loop transient analysis using RELAP5 Mod 3.3 / |
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Y 3.N 88:53/0444
Simulation of LSTF hot leg break (OECD/NEA ROSA-2 test 1) with TRACE code : application to a PWR NPP model / |
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Y 3.N 88:53/0445
The establishment and assessment of Chinshan (BWR/4) Nuclear Power Plant TRACE/SNAP model / |
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Y 3.N 88:53/0446
Assessment of channel coolant voiding in RD-14M test facility using TRACE / |
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Y 3.N 88:53/0447
RELAP5/MOD3.3 assessment by comparison with PKL III G3.1 experiment (small break in the main steam line) / |
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Y 3.N 88:53/0448
Uncertainty analysis for Maanshan LBLOCA by TRACE and DAKOTA / |
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Y 3.N 88:53/0449
Post-test analysis of Upper Plenum 11% break at PSB-VVER facility using TRACE v5.0 and RELAP5/MOD3.3 code / |
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Y 3.N 88:53/0450
The development and application of Kuosheng (BWR/6) nuclear power plant TRACE/SNAP model / |
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Y 3.N 88:53/0451
The establishment and assessment of Kuosheng (BWR/6) NPP dry-storage system TRACE/SNAP model / |
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Y 3.N 88:53/0452
Spent fuel pool safety analysis of TRACE in Chinshan NPP / |
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Y 3.N 88:53/0453
Benchmarking of a generic CANDU reactor with PARCS, MCNP and RFSP / |
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Y 3.N 88:53/0454
Modelling of ROCOM mixing test 2.2 with TRACE v5.0 Patch 3 / |
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Y 3.N 88:53/0455
Analysis of the control rod drop accident (CRDA) for lungmen ABWR / |
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Y 3.N 88:53/0456
BEPU analysis and benchmark with IIST 2% SBLOCA experiment using TRACE/DAKOTA / |
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Y 3.N 88:53/0457
Assessment of critical subcooled flow through cracks in large and small pipes using TRACE and RELAP5 / |
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Y 3.N 88:53/0458
RELAP5/MOD3.3 analysis of event with actuation of safety injection system at the loss of external power / |
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Y 3.N 88:53/0459
EPR medium break LOCA benchmarking exercise using RELAP5 and CATHARE / Sebastian Gurgacz [and five others] |
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Y 3.N 88:53/0460
Model 3D cores for PWR using vessel components in TRACEv5.OP3 / |
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