Call Number (LC) Title Results
Y 3.N 88:56-2/2002-16 Intravascular brachytherapy misadministrations 1
Y 3.N 88:56-2/2002-17 Medical use of strontium-90 eye applicators new requirements for calibration and decay correction. 1
Y 3.N 88:56-2/2002-18 Effect of adding gas into water storage tanks on the net positive suction head for pumps 1
Y 3.N 88:56-2/2002-19 Medical misadministrations caused by failure to properly perform tests on dose calibrators for beta- and low-energy photon-emitting radionuclides 1
Y 3.N 88:56-2/2002-21 Axial outside-diameter cracking affecting thermally treated alloy 600 steam generator tubing 1
Y 3.N 88:56-2/2002-22 Degraded bearing surfaces in GM/EMD emergency diesel generators 1
Y 3.N 88:56-2/2002-23 Unauthorized administration of byproduct material for medical use 1
Y 3.N 88:56-2/2002-24 Potential problems with heat collectors on fire protection sprinklers 1
Y 3.N 88:56-2/2002-25 Challenges to licensees' ability to provide prompt public notification and information duriing an emergency preparedness event 1
Y 3.N 88:56-2/2002-26 Failure of steam dryer cover plate after a recent power uprate 1
Y 3.N 88:56-2/2002-27 Recent fires at commercial nuclear power plants in the United States 1
Y 3.N 88:56-2/2002-28 Appointment of radiation safety officers and authorized users under 10 CFR Part 28 1
Y 3.N 88:56-2/2002-29 Recent design problems in safety functions of pneumatic systems 1
Y 3.N 88:56-2/2002-30 Control and surveillance of portable gauges during field operations 1
Y 3.N 88:56-2/2002-31 Potentially defective uf₆ cylinder valves (1-inch) 1
Y 3.N 88:56-2/2002-32 Electromigration on semiconductor integrated circuits 1
Y 3.N 88:56-2/2002-33 Notification of permanent injunction against Neutron Products Incorporated of Dickerson, Maryland 1
Y 3.N 88:56-2/2002-34 Failure of safety-related circuit breaker external auxiliary switches at Columbia Generating Station 1
Y 3.N 88:56-2/2002-35 Changes to 10 CFR Parts 71 and 72 quality assurance programs 1
Y 3.N 88:56-2/2002-36 Incomplete or inaccurate information provided to the licensee and/or NRC by any contractor or subcontractor employee 1