Call Number (LC) Title Results
Y 3.N 88:56-2/86-108 Degradation of reactor coolant system pressure boundary resulting from boric acid corrosion. 1
Y 3.N 88:56-2/86-109 Diaphragm failure in scram outlet valve causing rod insertion. 1
Y 3.N 88:56-2/86-110 Anomalous behavior of recirculation loop plow in jet pump BWR plants. 1
Y 3.N 88:56-2/87-01 RHR valve misalignment causes degradation of ECCS in PWRS. 1
Y 3.N 88:56-2/87-02 Inadequate seismic qualification of diaphragm valves by mathematical modeling and analysis. 1
Y 3.N 88:56-2/87-03 Segregation of hazardous and low-level radioactive wastes. 1
Y 3.N 88:56-2/87-04 Diesel generator fails test because of degraded fuel. 1
Y 3.N 88:56-2/87-05 Miswiring in a Westinghouse rod control system. 1
Y 3.N 88:56-2/87-06 Loss of suction to low-pressure service water system pumps resulting from loss of siphon. 1
Y 3.N 88:56-2/87-07 Quality control of onsite dewatering/solidification operations by outside contractors. 1
Y 3.N 88:56-2/87-08 Degraded motor leads in Limitorque DC motor operators. 1
Y 3.N 88:56-2/87-09 Emergency diesel generator room cooling design deficiency. 1
Y 3.N 88:56-2/87-10 Potential for water hammer during restart of residual heat removal. 1
Y 3.N 88:56-2/87-11 Enclosure of vital equipment within designated vital areas. 1
Y 3.N 88:56-2/87-12 Potential problems with metal-clad circuit breakers, General Electric type AK-2-25. 1
Y 3.N 88:56-2/87-13 Potential for high radiation fields following loss of water from fuel pool. 1
Y 3.N 88:56-2/87-14 Actuation of fire suppression system causing inoperability of safety-related ventilation equipment. 1
Y 3.N 88:56-2/87-15 Compliance with the posting requirements of Subsection 223B of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended. 1
Y 3.N 88:56-2/87-16 Degradation of static "O" ring pressure switches. 1
Y 3.N 88:56-2/87-17 Response time of scram instrument volume level detectors. 1