Call Number (LC) Title Results
Y 3.N 88:56-2/89-33 Potential failure of Westinghouse steam generator tube mechanical plugs. 1
Y 3.N 88:56-2/89-34 Disposal of americium well-logging sources. 1
Y 3.N 88:56-2/89-35 Loss and theft of unsecured licensed material. 1
Y 3.N 88:56-2/89-36 Excessive temperatures in emergency core cooling system piping located outside containment. 1
Y 3.N 88:56-2/89-37 Proposed amendments to 40 CFR Part 61, Air Emission Standards for Radionuclides. 1
Y 3.N 88:56-2/89-38 Atmospheric dump valve failures at Palo Verde Units 1, 2, and 3. 1
Y 3.N 88:56-2/89-39 Lists of parties excluded from federal procurement or nonprocurement programs. 1
Y 3.N 88:56-2/89-40 Unsatisfactory operator test results and their effect on the requalification program. 1
Y 3.N 88:56-2/89-41 Operator response to pressurization of low-pressure interfacing systems. 1
Y 3.N 88:56-2/89-42 Failure of Rosemount models 1153 and 1154 transmitters. 1
Y 3.N 88:56-2/89-43 Permanent deformation of torque switch helical springs in Limitorque SMA-type motor operators. 1
Y 3.N 88:56-2/89-44 Hydrogen storage on the roof of the control room. 1
Y 3.N 88:56-2/89-45 Metalclad, low-voltage power circuit breakers refurbished with substandard parts. 1
Y 3.N 88:56-2/89-46 Confidentiality of exercise scenarios. 1
Y 3.N 88:56-2/89-47 Potential problems with worn or distorted hose clamps on self-contained breathing apparatus. 1
Y 3.N 88:56-2/89-48 Design deficiency in the turbine-driven auxiliary feedwater pump cooling water system. 1
Y 3.N 88:56-2/89-49 Failure to close service water cross-connect isolation valves. 1
Y 3.N 88:56-2/89-50 Inadequate emergency diesel generator fuel supply. 1
Y 3.N 88:56-2/89-51 Potential loss of required shutdown margin during refueling operations. 1
Y 3.N 88:56-2/89-52 Potential fire damper operational problems. 1