Y 3.N 88:56-2/98-25
Loss of inventory from safety-related, closed-loop cooling water systems |
1 |
Y 3.N 88:56-2/98-26
Settlement monitoring and inspection of plant structures affected by degradation of porous concrete subfoundations |
1 |
Y 3.N 88:56-2/98-27
Steam generator tube end cracking |
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Y 3.N 88:56-2/98-28
Development of systematic sample plan for operating licensing examinations |
1 |
Y 3.N 88:56-2/98-29
Predicted increase in fuel rod cladding oxidation |
1 |
Y 3.N 88:56-2/98-30
Effect of the year 2000 computer problems on NRC licensees and certificate holders |
1 |
Y 3.N 88:56-2/98-31
Fire protection system design deficiencies and common-mode flooding of emergency core cooling system rooms at Washington Nuclear Project Unit 2 |
1 |
Y 3.N 88:56-2/98-32
NRC regulations prohibit agreements that restrict or discourage an employee from participating in protected activities |
1 |
Y 3.N 88:56-2/98-34
Configuration control errors |
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Y 3.N 88:56-2/98-36
Inadequate or poorly-controlled, non-safety-related maintenance activities unnecessarily challenged safety systems |
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Y 3.N 88:56-2/98-37
Eligibility of operator license applicants |
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Y 3.N 88:56-2/98-38
Metal-clad circuit breaker maintenance issues identified by NRC inspections |
1 |
Y 3.N 88:56-2/98-39
Summary of fitness-for-duty program performance reports for calendar years 1996 and 1997 |
1 |
Y 3.N 88:56-2/98-40
Design deficiencies can lead to reduced ECCS pump net positive suction head during design-basis accidents |
1 |
Y 3.N 88:56-2/98-41
Spurious shutdown of emergency diesel generators from design oversight |
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Y 3.N 88:56-2/98-42
Implementation of 10 CFR 50.55a(g) inservice inspection requirements |
1 |
Y 3.N 88:56-2/98-43
Leaks in the emergency diesel generator lubricating oil and jacket cooling water piping |
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Y 3.N 88:56-2/98-44
Ten-year inservice inspection (ISI) program update for licensees that intend to implement risk-informed ISI of piping |
1 |
Y 3.N 88:56-2/98-45
Cavitation erosion of letdown line orifices resulting in fatigue cracking of pipe welds |
1 |
Y 3.N 88:56-2/99-01
Deterioration of high-efficiency particulate air filters in a pressurized water reactor containment fan cooler unit |
1 |