Call Number (LC) Title Results
Y 3.N 88:63/OIG-12-A-19 Audit of NRC's use of orders / 1
Y 3.N 88:63/OIG-12-A-20 Memorandum report : audit of NRC's oversight of the agency's federally funded research and development center (OIG-12-A-20) / 1
Y 3.N 88:63/OIG-12-A-21 Audit of NRC's 10 CFR Part 31 general licensing program / 1
Y 3.N 88:63/OIG-13-A-01 Inspector General's assessment of the most serious management and performance challenges facing NRC. 1
Y 3.N 88:63/OIG-13-A-09 Audit of NRC's progress in carrying out the "25 Point Implementation Plan to Reform Federal Information Technology Management" / 1
Y 3.N 88:63/OIG-13-A-16 Audit of NRC's Safeguards Information Local Area Network and Electronic Safe / 1
Y 3.N 88:63/OIG-13-A-17 Audit of NRC's travel charge card pprogram / 1
Y 3.N 88:63/OIG-13-A-18 Audit of NRC's budget execution process / 1
Y 3.N 88:63/OIG-13-A-19 Memorandum report : audit of NRC's information technology readiness for three White Flint North (OIG-13-A-19) / 1
Y 3.N 88:63/OIG-13-A-20 Audit of NRC's compliance with 210 CFR Part 51 relative to environmental impact statements / 1
Y 3.N 88:63/OIG-13-A-21 Audit of NRC's implementation of federal classified information laws and policies / 1
Y 3.N 88:63/OIG-13-A-22 Audit of NRC's ongoing eligibility for access authorization (OIG-13-A-22) / 1
Y 3.N 88:63/OIG-14-A-01 Inspector General's assessment of the most serious management and performance challenges facing NRC (OIG-14-A-01) 1
Y 3.N 88:63/OIG-14-A-02 Audit of NRC's oversight of active component aging / 1
Y 3.N 88:63/OIG-14-A-05 Audit of NRC's full-time telework program / 1
Y 3.N 88:63/OIG-14-A-08 Audit of NRC's use of the Newflex program / 1
Y 3.N 88:63/OIG-14-A-10 Audit of NRC's process for addressing bankruptcy of materials licensees / 1
Y 3.N 88:63/OIG-14-A-12 Survey of NRC's support provided to resident inspectors / 1
Y 3.N 88:63/OIG-14-A-15 Audit of NRC's cyber security inspection program for nuclear power plants (OIG-14-A-15) / 1
Y 3.N 88:63/OIG-14-A-16 Audit of NRC's oversight of reciprocity licensees. 1