Call Number (LC) Title Results
Y 3.P 31:19/107 Political and economic dynamics of Herat / 1
Y 3.P 31:19/108 Perceptions of security in Libya : institutional and revolutionary actors / 1
Y 3.P 31:19/110 The politics of disarmament and rearmament in Afghanistan / 1
Y 3.P 31:19/111 Reconciliation in practice / 1
Y 3.P 31:19/112 Effective monitoring and evaluation in conflict-affected environments : Afghanistan post-2014 / 1
Y 3.P 31:19/113 Terrorism prosecution in Pakistan / 1
Y 3.P 31:19/114 Informality in Karachi's land, manufacturing, and transport sectors : implications for stability / 1
Y 3.P 31:19/115 Afghanistan National Defense and Security Forces : mission, challenges, and sustainability / 1
Y 3.P 31:19/116 State strengthening in Afghanistan : lessons learned, 2001-14 / 1
Y 3.P 31:19/118 Tribe, security, justice, and peace in Libya today / 1
Y 3.P 31:19/119 Prisons and detention in Libya / 1
Y 3.P 31:19/120 Weak Ugandan democracy, strong regional influence / 1
Y 3.P 31:19/121 Peacebuilding and resilience : how society responds to violence / 1
Y 3.P 31:19/122 Community resilience to violent extremism in Kenya / 1
Y 3.P 31:19/123 Violent extremism and clan dynamics in Kenya / 1
Y 3.P 31:19/124 Libya's religious sector and peacebuilding efforts / 1
Y 3.P 31:19/126 Kabul and the challenge of dwindling foreign aid / 1
Y 3.P 31:19/127 Community-based development in rural Afghanistan : first, assume a community / 1
Y 3.P 31:19/128 Misperceptions about India-Pakistan trade : beyond politics / 1
Y 3.P 31:19/129 Negotiating civil resistance / 1