Call Number (LC) Title Results
Y 3.P 31:19/143 What works in preventing election violence : evidence from Liberia and Kenya / 1
Y 3.P 31:19/144 The conflict resource economy and pathways to peace in Burma / 1
Y 3.P 31:19/145 Youth protest movements in Afghanistan : seeking voice and agency / 1
Y 3.P 31:19/146 Myanmar's 2020 elections and conflict dynamics / 1
Y 3.P 31:19/147 The United Wa State Army and Burma's peace process / 1
Y 3.P 31:19/148 The religious landscape in South Sudan : challenges and opportunities for engagement / 1
Y 3.P 31:19/149 The religious landscape in Myanmar's Rakhine State / 1
Y 3.P 31:19/150 Ceasefire monitoring in South Sudan 2014-2019 : "a very ugly mission" / 1
Y 3.P 31:19/151 Donor assistance in the transparency and accountability movement / 1
Y 3.P 31:19/152 Local cross-line coordination in Syria / 1
Y 3.P 31:19/153 Insurgent bureaucracy : how the Taliban makes policy / 1
Y 3.P 31:19/154 Engaging the post-ISIS Iraqi religious landscape for peace and reconciliation / 1
Y 3.P 31:19/155 Displacement and the vulnerability to mobilize for violence : evidence from Afghaistan / 1
Y 3.P 31:19/156 Afghan women's views on violent extremism and aspirations to a peacemaking role / 1
Y 3.P 31:19/157 A peace regime for the Korean peninsula / 1
Y 3.P 31:19/158 Rethinking transnational terrorism : an integrated approach / 1
Y 3.P 31:19/159 Understanding resistance to inclusive peace processes / 1
Y 3.P 31:19/160 Taliban fragmentation : fact, fiction, and future / 1
Y 3.P 31:19/161 Illicit drug trafficking and use in Libya : highs and lows / 1
Y 3.P 31:19/162 Bourgeois jihad : why young, middle-class Afghans join the Islamic State / 1