Call Number (LC) Title Results
Y 4.B 22/3:S.HRG.104-681 The Securities Investment Promotion Act of 1996--S. 1815 : hearing before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Fourth Congress, second session, on S. 1815 ... June 5, 1996.
The Securities Investment Promotion Act of 1996 --S. 1815 hearing before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Fourth Congress, second session, on S. 1815 ... June 5, 1996.
Y 4.B 22/3:S.HRG.104-691 The condition of consumer credit hearing before the Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Regulatory Relief of the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Fourth Congress, second session, on the implications of consumer credit trends and the risks they impose on financial institutions, July 24, 1996.
The condition of consumer credit : hearing before the Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Regulatory Relief of the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Fourth Congress, second session, on the implications of consumer credit trends and the risks they impose on financial institutions, July 24, 1996.
Y 4.B 22/3:S.HRG.104-703 The Federal Housing Enterprises Financial Safety and Soundness Act of 1992 hearings before the Subcommittee on HUD Oversight and Structure of the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Fourth Congress, second session ... March 5 and 21, 1996.
The Federal Housing Enterprises Financial Safety and Soundness Act of 1992 : hearings before the Subcommittee on HUD Oversight and Structure of the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Fourth Congress, second session ... March 5 and 21, 1996.
Y 4.B 22/3:S.HRG.104-738 The Export Administration Act of 1996, H.R. 361 : hearing before the Subcommittee on International Finance of the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Fourth Congress, second session ... July 31, 1996.
The Export Administration Act of 1996, H.R. 361 hearing before the Subcommittee on International Finance of the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Fourth Congress, second session ... July 31, 1996.
Y 4.B 22/3:S.HRG.104-739 Enforcement of the Fair Housing Act and the Fair Housing Reform and Freedom of Speech Act of 1995--S. 1132 hearings before the Subcommittee on HUD Oversight and Structure of the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Fourth Congress, second session, on the policies and practices of HUD's Office of Fair Housing and their effect on investigations initiated under the Fair Housing Act amendments against individuals and groups based on their protected First Amendment activity, September 10 and 18, 1996.
Enforcement of the Fair Housing Act and the Fair Housing Reform and Freedom of Speech Act of 1995--S. 1132 : hearings before the Subcommittee on HUD Oversight and Structure of the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Fourth Congress, second session, on the policies and practices of HUD's Office of Fair Housing and their effect on investigations initiated under the Fair Housing Act amendments against individuals and groups based on their protected First Amendment activity, September 10 and 18, 1996.
Enforcement of the Fair Housing Act and the Fair Housing Reform and Freedom of Speech Act of 1995--S. 1132 hearings before the Subcommittee on HUD Oversight and Structure of the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Fourth Congress, second session on the policies and practices of HUD's Office of Fair Housing and their effect on investigations initiated under the Fair Housing Act amendments against individuals and groups based on their protected First Amendment activity, September 10 and 18, 1996.
Y 4.B 22/3:S.HRG.104-740 The Fair ATM Fees for Consumers Act, S. 1800 hearing before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Fourth Congress, second session, on S. 1800, to amend the Electronic Fund Transfer Act to limit fees charged by financial institutions for the use of automatic teller machines, and for other purposes, July 11, 1996.
The Fair ATM Fees for Consumers Act, S. 1800 : hearing before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Fourth Congress, second session, on S. 1800, to amend the Electronic Fund Transfer Act to limit fees charged by financial institutions for the use of automatic teller machines, and for other purposes, July 11, 1996.
Y 4.B 22/3:S.HRG.104-741 Fourth annual report of the Trade Promotion Coordinating Committee, 1996 hearing before the Subcommittee on International Finance of the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Fourth Congress, second session, on ... section 201 of the Export Promotion Enhancement Act of 1992 ... September 25, 1996.
Fourth annual report of the Trade Promotion Coordinating Committee, 1996 : hearing before the Subcommittee on International Finance of the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Fourth Congress, second session, on ... section 201 of the Export Promotion Enhancement Act of 1992 ... September 25, 1996.
Y 4.B 22/3:S.HRG.104-742 Federal Reserve's second monetary policy report for 1996 hearing before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Fourth Congress, second session, on oversight on the monetary policy report to Congress pursuant to the Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1978, July 18, 1996.
Federal Reserve's second monetary policy report for 1996 : hearing before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Fourth Congress, second session, on oversight on the monetary policy report to Congress pursuant to the Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1978, July 18, 1996.
Y 4.B 22/3:S.HRG.104-743 General Accounting Office report on the Federal Reserve System hearing before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Fourth Congress, second session, on recommendations made by the General Accounting Office in its June 1996 report ... July 26, 1996.
General Accounting Office report on the Federal Reserve System : hearing before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Fourth Congress, second session, on recommendations made by the General Accounting Office in its June 1996 report ... July 26, 1996.
Y 4.B 22/3:S.HRG.104-869/ Investigation of Whitewater Development Corporation and related matters : hearings before the Special Committee to Investigate Whitewater Development Corporation and Related Matters, administered by the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Fourth Congress, first session. 1
Y 4.B 22/3:S.HRG.104-869/V.1- Investigation of Whitewater Development Corporation and related matters hearings before the Special Committee to Investigate Whitewater Development Corporation and Related Matters, administered by the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Fourth Congress, first session. 2
Y 4.B 22/3:S.HRG.105-152 Swiss banks and the shredding of Holocaust era documents hearing before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Fifth Congress, first session ... Tuesday, May 6, 1997.
Swiss banks and the shredding of Holocaust era documents : hearing before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Fifth Congress, first session ... Tuesday, May 6, 1997.
Y 4.B 22/3:S.HRG.105-175 Nomination of Andrew M. Cuomo hearing before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Fifth Congress, first session, on nomination of Andrew M. Cuomo, of New York, to be Secretary, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, January 22, 1997.
Nomination of Andrew M. Cuomo : hearing before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Fifth Congress, first session, on nomination of Andrew M. Cuomo, of New York, to be Secretary, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, January 22, 1997.
Y 4.B 22/3:S.HRG.105-176 Swiss banks and attempts to recover assets belonging to the victims of the Holocaust hearing before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Fifth Congress, first session on the inquiry into the assets of Holocaust victims deposited in Swiss banks and the issues surrounding the recovery and restoration of gold and other assets looted by Nazi Germany during World War II, and the acts of restitution which must follow, Thursday, May 15, 1997.
Swiss banks and attempts to recover assets belonging to the victims of the Holocaust : hearing before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Fifth Congress, first session on the inquiry into the assets of Holocaust victims deposited in Swiss banks and the issues surrounding the recovery and restoration of gold and other assets looted by Nazi Germany during World War II, and the acts of restitution which must follow, Thursday, May 15, 1997.
Y 4.B 22/3:S.HRG.105-206 Analysis of the impact of ATM double-charges on consumers and competition : hearing before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Fifth Congress, first session ... July 29, 1997.
Analysis of the impact of ATM double-charges on consumers and competition hearing before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Fifth Congress, first session ... July 29, 1997.
Y 4.B 22/3:S.HRG.105-215 The Homeowners Protection Act of 1997, S. 318 hearing before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Fifth Congress, first session on S. 318 ... February 25, 1997.
The Homeowners Protection Act of 1997, S. 318 : hearing before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Fifth Congress, first session on S. 318 ... February 25, 1997.
Y 4.B 22/3:S.HRG.105-221 Federal Reserve's first monetary policy report for 1997 hearing before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Fifth Congress, first session, on oversight on the monetary policy report to Congress pursuant to the Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1978, February 26, 1997.
Federal Reserve's first monetary policy report for 1997 : hearing before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Fifth Congress, first session, on oversight on the monetary policy report to Congress pursuant to the Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1978, February 26, 1997.
Y 4.B 22/3:S.HRG.105-222 Nomination of Janet Louise Yellen hearing before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Fifth Congress, first session, on nomination of Janet Louise Yellen, of California, to be chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors, February 5, 1997.
Nomination of Janet Louise Yellen : hearing before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Fifth Congress, first session, on nomination of Janet Louise Yellen, of California, to be chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors, February 5, 1997.
Y 4.B 22/3:S.HRG.105-247 Federal Reserve's second monetary policy report for 1997 hearing before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Fifth Congress, first session, on oversight on the monetary policy report to Congress pursuant to the Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1978, July 23, 1997.
Federal Reserve's second monetary policy report for 1997 : hearing before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Fifth Congress, first session, on oversight on the monetary policy report to Congress pursuant to the Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1978, July 23, 1997.
Y 4.B 22/3:S.HRG.105-287 The expanding ATM market and increased surcharge fees hearing before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Fifth Congress, first session ... June 11, 1997.
The expanding ATM market and increased surcharge fees : hearing before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Fifth Congress, first session ... June 11, 1997.