Call Number (LC) Title Results
Y 4.C 73/2:D 63 Dismal Swamp Canal hearings before the United States Senate Committee on Commerce, Sixty-Second Congress, second session, on Apr. 17, 1912. 2
Y 4.C 73/2:D 88 Duluth-Superior toll bridge : hearing before a subcommittee of the Committee on Commerce, United States Senate, Seventy-sixth Congress, first session, on H.R. 6475, an act to authorize the city of Duluth, in the state of Minnesota, to construct a toll bridge across the St. Louis River, between the states of Minnesota and Wisconsin, and for other purposes, July 24, 1939.
Duluth-Superior Toll Bridge hearings before the United States Senate Committee on Commerce, Subcommittee on Bridges, Seventy-Sixth Congress, first session, on July 24, 1939.
Y 4.C 73/2:En2 Initiatives in energy conservation / 1
Y 4.C 73/2:En2/3 Industry efforts in energy conservation : printed at the direction of Warren G. Magnuson, chairman, for the use of the Committee on Commerce, United States Senate. 1
Y 4.C 73/2:EA 3 Protection for the golden eagle : Hearing before a subcommittee of the Committee on Commerce, United States Senate, Eighty-seventh Congress, second session, on S.J. Res. 105 and H.J. Res. 489 joint resolutions to provide protection for the golden eagle, June 26, 1962. 1
Y 4.C 73/2:Ea 3 Protection for the Golden Eagle hearings before the United States Senate Committee on Commerce, Eighty-Seventh Congress, second session, on June 26, 1962. 1
Y 4.C 73/2:EL 2 Electric vehicles and other alternatives to the internal combustion engine : Joint hearings before the Committee on Commerce and the Subcommittee on Air and Water Pollution of the Committee on Public Works, United States Senate, Ninetieth Congress, first session. 1
Y 4.C 73/2:El 2 Electric Vehicles and Other Alternatives to the Internal Combustion Engine hearings before the United States Senate Committee on Commerce, Subcommittee on Air and Water Pollution, and Senate Committee on Public Works, Ninetieth Congress, first session, on Mar. 14-17, Apr. 10, 1967. 1
Y 4.C 73/2:Em 7 Personal-Injury Suits by Employees of Foreign Vessels hearings before the United States Senate Committee on Commerce, Sixty-Ninth Congress, second session, on Feb. 5, 1927. 2
Y 4.C 73/2:Em 7/2 National and State Employment Service hearings before the United States Senate Committee on Commerce, Seventy-Second Congress, first session, on Mar. 24, 31, 1932. 2
Y 4.C 73/2:En 2 Initiatives in energy conservation 1
Y 4.C 73/2:En 2/2 Text of and description of working draft no. 1 of the Energy labeling act (S. 1327) 1
Y 4.C 73/2:En 2/3 Industry efforts in energy conservation printed at the direction of Warren G. Magnuson, chairman, for the use of the Committee on Commerce, United States Senate. 1
Y 4.C 73/2:En 2/4 Energy Conservation Working Paper 1
Y 4.C 73/2:EN 2/5 Energy facility siting in coastal areas : prepared at the request of Hon. Warren G. Magnuson, chairman, Committee on Commerce, and Hon. Ernest F. Hollings, chairman, National Ocean Policy Study, for the use of the Committee on Commerce and the National Ocean Study Policy, pursuant to S. Res. 222, National Ocean Policy Study. 1
Y 4.C 73/2:En 2/5 Energy Facility Siting in Coastal Areas
Energy facility siting in coastal areas prepared at the request of Hon. Warren G. Magnuson, chairman, Committee on Commerce, and Hon. Ernest F. Hollings, chairman, National Ocean Policy Study, for the use of the Committee on Commerce and the National Ocean Study Policy ..
Y 4.C 73/2:En 3 Projects Recommended by the Chief of Engineers of the War Department for Insertion in River and Harbor Appropriation Bills but Not Yet Adopted 1
Y 4.C 73/2:En 8 A reader in international environmental science
Reader in International Environmental Science
Y 4.C 73/2:En 8/2/971 Environmental activities of international organizations : a report. 1
Y 4.C 73/2:EN 8/2/972 1972 survey of environmental activities of international organizations. 1