Call Number (LC) Title Results
Y 4.C 76/1:R 29 H.R. 14833, Extending the Renegotiation Act of 1951 Summary of Senate Amendments.
H.R. 14833, extending the Renegotiation act of 1951 : summary of Senate amendments /
Y 4.C 76/1:R 32 Revenue and Expenditure Control Act of 1968, H.R. 15414, Explanation of the Bill as Agreed to in Conference 1
Y 4.C 76/1:So 1/2/974 H.R. 17045, social services amendments of 1974 brief description of Senate amendments : prepared for the use of the conferees. 1
Y 4.C 76/1:So 1/972 H. R. 1: social security amendments for 1972. Brief description of Senate amendments, prepared for the use of the conferees. 1
Y 4.C 76/1:SO 1/973 H.R. 3153, Social Security amendments of 1973 : brief description of Senate amendments. 1
Y 4.C 76/1:So 1/973 H.R. 3153, Social Security amendments of 1973 brief description of Senate amendments. 1
Y 4.C 76/1:St 2 Statement of Managers on the Part of the House 1
Y 4.C 76/1:T 17 Tariff Bill of 1930. Conference Report on the Bill (H.R. 2667) to Provide Revenue, to Regulate Commerce with Foreign Countries, to Encourage the Industries of the U.S., to Protect American Labor, and for other Purposes 1
Y 4.C 76/1:T 17/2 H.R. 8217 Summary of Senate Amendments. 1
Y 4.C 76/1:T 19 Conference Comparison on H.R. 10612, Tax Reform Act of 1976 1
Y 4.C 76/1:T 68 The Emergency urban mass transportation assistance act joint hearing before the House and Senate Conference Committee on the Emergency urban mass transportation act, Ninety-third Congress, second session, on S. 386, September 25, 1974. 1
Y 4.C 76/2:R 29 Report of the Select Committee of the House of Representatives to inquire into the alleged violation of the laws prohibiting the importation of contract laborers, paupers, convicts and other classes, together with the testimony, documents and consular reports submitted to the Committee.
Report of the Select Committee of the House of Representatives to inquire into the alleged violation of the laws prohibiting the importation of contract laborers, paupers, convicts and other classes, together with the testimony, documents and consular reports submitted to the Committee
Y 4.C 76/3:Or 3/945/ Organization of Congress / 1
Y 4.C 76/3:Or 3/945/Summary The organization of Congress. : Summary of hearings before the Joint committee on the organization of Congress, Congress of the United States, Seventy-ninth Congress, first session, pursuant to H. Con. Res. 18, a concurrent resolution establishing a Joint committee on the organization of the Congress, March 13-June 29, 1945. 1
Y 4.C 76/3:OR 3/965/  
Y 4.C 76/3:Or 3/965/ Organization of Congress. : Hearings, Eighty-ninth Congress, first session, pursuant to S. Con. Res. 2. 1
Y 4.C 76/3:Or 3/965/pt.1 Organization of Congress. hearings before the United States Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress, Eighty-Ninth Congress, first session, on May 10-13, 1965. 1
Y 4.C 76/3:Or 3/965/pt.2 Organization of Congress. hearings before the United States Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress, Eighty-Ninth Congress, first session, on May 17-20, 1965. 1
Y 4.C 76/3:Or 3/965/pt.3 Organization of Congress. hearings before the United States Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress, Eighty-Ninth Congress, first session, on May 24-27, 1965. 1
Y 4.C 76/3:Or 3/965/pt.4 Organization of Congress. hearings before the United States Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress, Eighty-Ninth Congress, first session, on June 2-4, 1965. 1