Call Number (LC) Title Results
Y 4.EN 2:S.HRG.110-158 Current national parks bills : hearing before the Subcommittee on National Parks of the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, United States Senate, One Hundred Tenth Congress, first session, on S. 488, S. 617, S. 824, S. 955, S. 1148, H.R. 1182, S. 1380, S. 1728, H.R. 995, H.R. 1100, July 12, 2007. 1
Y 4.EN 2:S.HRG.110-164 United States/CNMI political union : hearing before the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, United States Senate, One Hundred Tenth Congress, first session to receive testimony on S. 1634, a bill to implement further the act approving the Covenant to Establish a Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands in Political Union with the United States of America, and for other purposes, July 19, 2007. 1
Y 4.EN 2:S.HRG.110-169 Renewable fuels infrastructure : hearing before the Subcommittee on Energy of the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, United States Senate, One Hundred Tenth Congress, first session, to receive testimony on renewable fuels infrastructure, July 31, 2007. 1
Y 4.EN 2:S.HRG.110-170 Current water and power bills : hearing before the Subcommittee on Water and Power of the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, United States Senate, One Hundred Tenth Congress, first session, on S. 1054, S. 1472, S. 1475, H.R. 30, H.R. 122, H.R. 609, H.R. 1175, H.R. 1526, August 1, 2007. 1
Y 4.EN 2:S.HRG.110-174 Clean coal technology : hearing before the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, United States Senate; One Hundred Tenth Congress, first session; to receive testimony on recent advances in clean coal technology, including the prospects for deploying these technologies at a commercial scale in the near future; August 1, 2007.
Clean coal technology : hearing before the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, United States Senate, One Hundred Tenth Congress, first session, to receive testimony on recent advances in clean coal technology, including the prospects for deploying these technologies at a commercial scale in the near future, August 1, 2007.
Y 4.EN 2:S.HRG.110-179 Emerging energy technologies : hearing before the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, United States Senate, One Hundred Tenth Congress, first session, to receive testimony on reducing barriers to growth of emerging energy technologies--relationships between federal, state, and local governments, Albuquerque, NM, August 7, 2007. 1
Y 4.EN 2:S.HRG.110-185 Centennial challenge : hearing before the Subcommittee on National Parks of the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, United States Senate, One Hundred Tenth Congress, first session, to receive testimony on S. 1253, a bill to establish a fund for the National Park Centennial Challenge, and for other purposes, August 2, 2007. 1
Y 4.EN 2:S.HRG.110-195 Energy efficiency lighting : hearing before the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, United States Senate, One Hundred Tenth Congress, first session, to receive testimony on the status of energy efficient lighting technologies and on S. 2017, the Energy Efficient Lighting for a Brighter Tomorrow Act, September 12, 2007. 1
Y 4.EN 2:S.HRG.110-204 Rural Water Supply Act of 2006 : hearing before the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, United States Senate, One Hundred Tenth Congress, first session, to receive testimony on the Bureau of Reclamation's implementation of the Rural Water Supply Act of 2006, and federal, state, and local efforts to plan and develop the Eastern New Mexico Rural Water Supply Project, Clovis, NM, August 14, 2007. 1
Y 4.EN 2:S.HRG.110-213 Miscellaneous national parks legislation : hearing before the Subcommittee on National Parks of the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, United States Senate, One Hundred Tenth Congress, first session, on S. 127, S. 327, S. 868, S. 1051, S. 1184, S. 1247, S. 1304, S. 1329, H.R. 359, H.R. 759, H.R. 807, H.R. 1021, September 11, 2007. 1
Y 4.EN 2:S.HRG.110-216 Miscellaneous public lands and forests bills : hearing before the Subcommittee on Public Lands and Forests of the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, United States Senate, One Hundred Tenth Congress, first session, on S. 1143, S. 1377, S. 1433, S. 1608, S. 1740, S. 1802, S. 1939, S. 1940, S. 2034, H.R. 815, September 20, 2007. 1
Y 4.EN 2:S.HRG.110-228 Climate change on wildfire activity : hearing before the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, United States Senate, One Hundred Tenth Congress, first session, to consider scientific assessments of the impacts of global climate change on wildfire activity in the United States, September 24, 2007. 1
Y 4.EN 2:S.HRG.110-243 Republic of the Marshall Islands : hearing before the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, United States Senate, One Hundred Tenth Congress, first session, to receive testimony on S. 1756, a bill to provide supplemental ex gratia compensation to the Republic of the Marshall Islands for impacts of the nuclear testing program of the United States, and for other purposes, and to receive testimony on the implementation of the Compact of Free Association between the United States and the Marshall Islands, September 25, 2007. 1
Y 4.EN 2:S.HRG.110-246 Geothermal energy initiative : hearing before the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, United States Senate, One Hundred Tenth Congress, first session, to receive testimony on S. 1543, a bill to establish a national geothermal initiative to encourage increased production of energy from geothermal resources by creating a program of geothermal research, development, demonstration and commercial application to support the achievement of a national geothermal energy goal, September 26, 2007. 1
Y 4.EN 2:S.HRG.110-266 Miscellaneous national parks legislation : hearing before the Subcommittee on National Parks of the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, United States Senate, One Hundred Tenth Congress, first session, on S. 128, S. 148, S. 189, S. 697, S. 867, S. 1039, S. 1341, S. 1476, S. 1709, S. 1808, S. 1969, H.R. 299, H.R. 1239, September 27, 2007. 1
Y 4.EN 2:S.HRG.110-272 Hard-rock mining on federal lands : hearing before the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, United States Senate, One Hundred Tenth Congress, first session, to receive testimony on hard-rock mining on federal lands, September 27, 2007. 1
Y 4.EN 2:S.HRG.110-273 Great Basin threats : hearing before the Subcommittee on Public Lands and Forests of the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, United States Senate, One Hundred Tenth Congress, first session, to consider the major environmental threats to the Great Basin in the 21st century, Las Vegas, NV, October 11, 2007. 1
Y 4.EN 2:S.HRG.110-282 Miscellaneous national parks bills : hearing before the Subcommittee on National Parks of the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, United States Senate, One Hundred Tenth Congress, first session, on S. 86, S. 1365, S. 1449, S. 1921, S. 1941, S. 1961, S. 1991, S. 2098, S. 2220, H.R. 1191, November 8, 2007. 1
Y 4.EN 2:S.HRG.110-288 Domestic energy industry : hearing before the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, United States Senate, One Hundred Tenth Congress, first session, to receive testimony on whether domestic energy industry will have the workforce--crafts and professional, November 6, 2007. 1
Y 4.EN 2:S.HRG.110-298 Surface Mining Act : hearing before the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, United States Senate, One Hundred Tenth Congress, first session, to receive testimony on the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 : policy issues thirty years later, November 13, 2007. 1