Call Number (LC) Title Results
Y 4.J 89/1:108/19 Youth Smoking Prevention and State Revenue Enforcement Act : hearing before the Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet, and Intellectual Property of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, first session, on H.R. 1839, May 1, 2003.
Youth Smoking Prevention and State Revenue Enforcement Act hearing before the Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet, and Intellectual Property of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, first session, on H.R. 1839, May 1, 2003.
Y 4.J 89/1:108-20 Flag protection amendment : hearing before the Subcommittee on the Constitution of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, first session, on H.J. Res. 4, May 7, 2003.
Flag protection amendment hearing before the Subcommittee on the Constitution of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, first session, on H.J. Res. 4, May 7, 2003.
Y 4.J 89/1:108/21 War on terrorism immigration enforcement since September 11, 2001 : hearing before the Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security, and Claims of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, first session, May 8, 2003.
War on terrorism : immigration enforcement since September 11, 2001 : hearing before the Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security, and Claims of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, first session, May 8, 2003.
Y 4.J 89/1:108/22 Direct broadcast satellite service in the multichannel video distribution market : hearing before the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, first session, May 8, 2003.
Direct broadcast satellite service in the multichannel video distribution market hearing before the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, first session, May 8, 2003.
Y 4.J 89/1:108/23 Class Action Fairness Act of 2003 : hearing before the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, first session, on H.R. 1115, May 15, 2003.
Class Action Fairness Act of 2003 hearing before the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, first session, on H.R. 1115, May 15, 2003.
Y 4.J 89/1:108/24 Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2003, and the need for bankruptcy reform : hearing before the Subcommittee on Commercial and Administrative Law of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, first session, on H.R. 975, March 4, 2003.
Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2003, and the need for bankruptcy reform hearing before the Subcommittee on Commercial and Administrative Law of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, first session, on H.R. 975, March 4, 2003.
Y 4.J 89/1:108/25 Unlawful Internet Gambling Funding Prohibition Act and the Internet Gambling Licensing and Regulation Commission Act : hearing before the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, first session, on H.R. 21 and H.R. 1223, April 29, 2003.
Unlawful Internet Gambling Funding Prohibition Act and the Internet Gambling Licensing and Regulation Commission Act hearing before the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, first session, on H.R. 21 and H.R. 1223, April 29, 2003.
Y 4.J 89/1:108/26 Reauthorization of the Civil Rights Division of the United States Department of Justice : hearing before the Subcommittee on the Constitution of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, first session, May 15, 2003.
Reauthorization of the Civil Rights Division of the United States Department of Justice hearing before the Subcommittee on the Constitution of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, first session, May 15, 2003.
Y 4.J 89/1:108/27 Bankruptcy Judgeship Act of 2003 : hearing before the Subcommittee on Commercial and Administrative Law of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, first session, on H.R. 1428, May 22, 2003.
Bankruptcy Judgeship Act of 2003 hearing before the Subcommittee on Commercial and Administrative Law of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, first session, on H.R. 1428, May 22, 2003.
Y 4.J 89/1:108/28 Reauthorization of the U.S. Department of Justice : Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys, Civil Division, Environment and Natural Resources Division, Executive Office for U.S. Trustees, and Office of the Solicitor General : hearing before the Subcommittee on Commercial and Administrative Law of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, first session, April 8, 2003.
Reauthorization of the U.S. Department of Justice Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys, Civil Division, Environment and Natural Resources Division, Executive Office for U.S. Trustees, and Office of the Solicitor General : hearing before the Subcommittee on Commercial and Administrative Law of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, first session, April 8, 2003.
Y 4.J 89/1:108/29 Deadly consequences of illegal alien smuggling : hearing before the Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security, and Claims of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, first session, June 24, 2003.
Deadly consequences of illegal alien smuggling hearing before the Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security, and Claims of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, first session, June 24, 2003.
Y 4.J 89/1:108/30 Federal judiciary : is there a need for additional federal judges? : hearing before the Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet, and Intellectual Property of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, first session, June 24, 2003.
Federal judiciary is there a need for additional federal judges? : hearing before the Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet, and Intellectual Property of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, first session, June 24, 2003.
Y 4.J 89/1:108/31 Consular identification cards : hearing before the Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security, and Claims of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, first session, June 19 and June 26, 2003.
Consular identification cards hearing before the Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security, and Claims of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, first session, June 19 and June 26, 2003.
Y 4.J 89/1:108/32 Intellectual Property Protection Restoration Act of 2003 : hearing before the Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet, and Intellectual Property of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, first session, on H.R. 2344, June 17, 2003.
Intellectual Property Protection Restoration Act of 2003 hearing before the Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet, and Intellectual Property of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, first session, on H.R. 2344, June 17, 2003.
Y 4.J 89/1:108/33 Cooperative Research and Technology Enhancement (CREATE) Act of 2003 : hearing before the Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet, and Intellectual Property of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, first session, on H.R. 2391, June 10, 2003.
Cooperative Research and Technology Enhancement (CREATE) Act of 2003 hearing before the Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet, and Intellectual Property of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, first session, on H.R. 2391, June 10, 2003.
Y 4.J 89/1:108/34 Immigration relief under the convention against torture for serious criminals and human rights violators : hearing before the Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security, and Claims of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, first session, July 11, 2003.
Immigration relief under the convention against torture for serious criminals and human rights violators hearing before the Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security, and Claims of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, first session, July 11, 2003.
Y 4.J 89/1:108/35 Anti-terrorism investigations and the Fourth Amendment after September 11, 2001 : hearing before the Subcommittee on the Constitution of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, first session, May 20, 2003.
Anti-terrorism investigations and the Fourth Amendment after September 11, 2001 hearing before the Subcommittee on the Constitution of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, first session, May 20, 2003.
Y 4.J 89/1:108/36 Prison Rape Reduction Act of 2003 : hearing before the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, first session, on H.R. 1707, April 29, 2003.
Prison Rape Reduction Act of 2003 hearing before the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, first session, on H.R. 1707, April 29, 2003.
Prison Rape Reduction Act of 2003 hearing before the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, first session on H.R. 1707, April 29, 2003.
Y 4.J 89/1:108/37 Piracy Deterrence and Education Act of 2003 : hearing before the Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet, and Intellectual Property of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, first session, on H.R. 2517, July 17, 2003.
Piracy Deterrence and Education Act of 2003 hearing before the Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet, and Intellectual Property of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, first session, on H.R. 2517, July 17, 2003.
Y 4.J 89/1:108/38 Patent quality improvement : hearing before the Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet, and Intellectual Property of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, first session, July 24, 2003.
Patent quality improvement hearing before the Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet, and Intellectual Property of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, first session, July 24, 2003.