Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
Y 4.R 25:P 94/1-6 | Reforestation. hearings before the United States Senate Select Committee on Reforestation, Sixty-Seventh Congress, fourth session, on Sept. 21, 22, 27, 1923. | 2 |
Y 4.R 25:P 94/1-7 | Reforestation. hearings before the United States Senate Select Committee on Reforestation, Sixty-Seventh Congress, fourth session, on Nov. 19, 1923. | 2 |
Y 4.R 25:P 94/1-8 | Reforestation. hearings before the United States Senate Select Committee on Reforestation, Sixty-Seventh Congress, fourth session, on Nov. 22, 23, 1923. | 2 |
Y 4.R 29/2:J 89/pt.1 |
Additional federal judges. : Hearings before the Special Committee to Study Reorganization of the Courts of the United States and Reform Judicial Procedure, United States Senate, Seventy-sixth Congress, first session on S. 190, S. 500, S. 1282, S. 1481, S. 1505, S. 1535, S. 1545, S. 1567, S. 1853, S. 1903, and S. 2185, bills relating to additional federal judges. Part 1. April 13 and 17, 1939. Additional Federal Judges. hearings before the United States Senate Special Committee To Study Reorganization of the Courts of the United States and Reform Judicial Procedure, Seventy-Sixth Congress, first session, on Apr. 13, 17, 1939. |
3 |
Y 4.R 29:H 35/ |
Reorganization of executive departments. : Hearings before the Joint Committee on the Reorganization of the Administrative Branch of the Government, Congress of the United States, Sixty-Eighth Congress, first session, on S.J. res. 282, Sixty-Seventh Congress, a resolution to amend the resolution of December 29, 1920, entitled "Joint resolution to create a Joint Committee on the Reorganization of the Administrative Branch of the Government." January 7 to 31, 1924. Reorganization of Executive Departments. |
4 |
Y 4.R 29:H 35/1-1 | Reorganization of Executive Departments. hearings before the United States Joint Committee on Reorganization of the Administrative Branch of the Government, Sixty-Eighth Congress, first session, on Jan. 7, 8, 10, 11, 14, 16, 1924. | 1 |
Y 4.R 29:H 35/1-2 | Reorganization of Executive Departments. hearings before the United States Joint Committee on Reorganization of the Administrative Branch of the Government, Sixty-Eighth Congress, first session, on Jan. 17-19, 21-24, 1924. | 1 |
Y 4.R 29:H 35/1-3 | Reorganization of Executive Departments. hearings before the United States Joint Committee on Reorganization of the Administrative Branch of the Government, Sixty-Eighth Congress, first session, on Jan. 25, 26, 28-31, 1924. | 1 |
Y 4.R 29:H 35/supp |
Reorganization of Executive Departments Hearing before the Joint Committee on Reorganization of the Administrative Branch of the Government, Congress of the United States, Sixty-Eighth Congress, first session, on S.J.Res.282, a resolution to amend the resolution of December 20, 1920 ... Supplement. Reorganization of Executive Departments. Supplement: hearings before the United States Joint Committee on Reorganization of the Administrative Branch of the Government, Sixty-Eighth Congress, first session, on Apr. 8, 1924. |
2 |
Y 4.R 29:M 533 | Memorandum Describing the Reorganization Plan Recommended by the President and the Cabinet | 1 |
Y 4.R 31/3: | Natural Resources Committee. | 1 |
Y 4.R 31/3:11-77 | Gulf Coast Recovery: President Obama's ..., Serial No. 112-77, October 27, 2011, 112-1 Oversight Hearing, * | 1 |
Y 4.R 31/3-12: |
Legislative calendar. Legislative calendar Legislative calendar / |
8 |
Y 4.R 31/3-12:2009-2010 | Legislative Calendar Final. | 1 |
Y 4.R 31/3-13: |
Rules for the Committee on Natural Resources. Rules for the Committee on Resources Rules for the Committee on Resources / Rules for the Committee on Natural Resources Rules for the Committee on Natural Resources / |
10 |
Y 4.R 31/3-13:2001 | Rules for the Committee on Resources | 1 |
Y 4.R 31/3-13:2007 | Rules for the Committee on Natural Resources 110th Congress. | 1 |
Y 4.R 31/3-13:2011 | Rules for the Committee on Natural Resources 112th Congress. | 1 |
Y 4.R 31/3:103-1/ | Bureau of Indian Affairs reorganization : oversight hearing before the Subcommittee on Native American Affairs of the Committee on Natural Resources, House of Representatives, One Hundred Third Congress, first session, on 1992 report of the Joint Tribal/BIA/DOI Advisory Task Force on the Bureau of Indian Affairs Reorganization to the Secretary of the Interior and Appropriations Committees. | 2 |
Y 4.R 31/3:103-1/PT.1 | Bureau of Indian Affairs reorganization oversight hearing before the Subcommittee on Native American Affairs of the Committee on Natural Resources, House of Representatives, One Hundred Third Congress, first session on 1992 report of the Joint Tribal/BIA/DOI Advisory Task Force on the Bureau of Indian Affairs Reorganization to the Secretary of the Interior and Appropriations Committees. | 1 |