Call Number (LC) Title Results
Y 4.SCI 2:94-2/MM/V.1 Background materials on government patent policies : the ownership of inventions resulting from federally funded research and development / 1
Y 4.Sci 2:94-2/MM/v.1 Background materials on government patent policies the ownership of inventions resulting from federally funded research and development / 1
Y 4.Sci 2:94-2/MMM Operational cost estimates space shuttle
Operational cost estimates space shuttle /
Y 4.Sci 2:94-2/NN National Weather Modification Policy Act of 1976 a report to accompany S. 3383, as amended / 1
Y 4.Sci 2:94-2/NNN The environmental effects of dumping in the oceans and the Great Lakes report /
The environmental effects of dumping in the oceans and the Great Lakes : report /
Y 4.Sci 2:94-2/O O Primer on Climatic Variation and Change 1
Y 4.Sci 2:94-2/OO A primer on climatic variation and change
A primer on climatic variation and change /
Y 4.SCI 2:94-2/OOO H.R. 35, the proposed "Environmental research centers act of 1975" / 1
Y 4.Sci 2:94-2/OOO H.R. 35, the proposed "Environmental research centers act of 1975" 1
Y 4.Sci 2:94-2/QQ Special oversight review of agricultural research and development : report /
Special oversight review of agricultural research and development report : (special oversight report no. 2) /
Y 4.Sci 2:94-2/RR DOT ground transportation R. & D. programs report /
DOT ground transportation R. & D. programs : report /
Y 4.Sci 2:94 2/SS  
Y 4.Sci 2:94-2/SS The Environmental Protection Agency's research program, with primary emphasis on the Community Health and Environmental Surveillance System (CHESS) : an investigative report /
The Environmental Protection Agency's research program, with primary emphasis on the Community Health and Environmental Surveillance System (CHESS) an investigative report /
Y 4.SCI 2:94-2/T The National Science Foundation and pre-college science education, 1950-1975 : report / 1
Y 4.Sci 2:94-2/T National Science Foundation and Pre-College Science Education 1950-1975. 1
Y 4.Sci 2:94-2/T T Annotated Bibliography on Science and Technology in China, Background Study No. 1. 1
Y 4.Sci 2:94-2/T T T Solar Energy Legislation Through the 94th Congress 1
Y 4.Sci 2:94-2/TT Annotated bibliography on science and technology in China
Annotated bibliography on science and technology in China /
Y 4.SCI 2:94-2/TTT Solar energy legislation through the 94th Congress 1
Y 4.Sci 2:94-2/TTT Solar energy legislation through the 94th Congress /
Solar energy legislation through the 94th Congress