Call Number (LC) Title Results
Y 4.Sm 1/2:Si 9/2 Small Business Administration's size standards : hearing before the Committee on Small Business, United States Senate, Ninety-seventh Congress, first session, on Small Business Administration's size standards, May 5, 1981.
Small Business Administration's size standards hearing before the Committee on Small Business, United States Senate, Ninety-seventh Congress, first session, on Small Business Administration's size standards, May 5, 1981.
Y 4.Sm 1/2:Sm 1 Small Defense Plants Administration. Section 714 of the Defense Production Act of 1950 (P.L. 774), as Amended by Section 110, Defense Production Act Amendments of 1951 (P.L. 96)
Small Defense Plants Administration : section 714 of the Defense production act of 1950 (Public law 774) as amended by section 110, Defense production act amendments of 1951 (Public law 96)
Y 4.Sm 1/2:Sm 1/2 Small Business Administration. Title II of Small Business Act of 1953 (P.L. 163, Approved July 30, 1953)
Small business administration : Select Committee on Small Business, United States Senate, Title II of Small Business Act of 1953.
Y 4.Sm 1/2:Sm 1/3 Small Business Administration hearings before the United States Senate Select Committee on Small Business, Eighty-Fourth Congress, first session, on Mar. 21, 1955. 1
Y 4.Sm 1/2:Sm 1/3/955 Small Business Administration : hearing before the Select Committee on Small Business, United States Senate, Eighty-fourth Congress, first session. Progress report of Small Business Administration, March 21, 1955. 1
Y 4.Sm 1/2:Sm 1/3/956 Small Business Administration -- 1956 hearings before the United States Senate Select Committee on Small Business, Eighty-Fourth Congress, second session, on Apr. 18, 19, 1956.
Small Business Administration, 1956 : hearings before the Select Committee on Small Business, United States Senate, Eighty-fourth Congress, second session. Progress report of Small business Administration, April 18 and 19, 1956.
Y 4.Sm 1/2:Sm 1/3/957 Small Business Administration -- 1957 hearings before the United States Senate Select Committee on Small Business, Eighty-Fifth Congress, first session, on Mar. 14, 15, 1957.
Small Business Administration, 1957 : hearings before the Select Committee on Small Business, United States Senate, Eighty-fifth Congress, first session. Annual review of the activities of the Small Business Administration, March 14 and 15, 1957.
Y 4.Sm 1/2:Sm 1/3/958 Small business administration--1958 : hearing before the Select Committee on Small Business, United States Senate, Eighty-fifth Congress, second session. Annual review of the activities of the Small Business Administration, March 25, 1958.
Small Business Administration -- 1958 hearings before the United States Senate Select Committee on Small Business, Eighty-Fifth Congress, second session, on Mar. 25, 1958.
Y 4.Sm 1/2:Sm 1/3/959 Small Business Administration--1959 : hearing before the Select Committee on Small Business, United States Senate, Eighty-sixth Congress, first session, review of current programs and activities of the Small Business Administration, June 3, 1959.
Small Business Administration -- 1959 hearings before the United States Senate Select Committee on Small Business, Eighty-Sixth Congress, first session, on June 3, 1959.
Y 4.Sm 1/2:Sm 1/3/960 Small Business Administration -- 1960 hearings before the United States Senate Select Committee on Small Business, Eighty-Sixth Congress, second session, on Mar. 22, 1960.
Small Business Administration -- 1960. hearings before the United States Senate Select Committee on Small Business, Eighty-Sixth Congress, second session, on Mar. 22, 1960.
Y 4.Sm 1/2:Sm 1/3/960/ Small business administration--1960 : hearing, Eighty-Sixth Congress, second session. Annual review of programs and activities of the Small Business Administration. 1
Y 4.Sm 1/2:Sm 1/3/960/pt.2 Small Business Administration -- 1960. hearings before the United States Senate Select Committee on Small Business, Eighty-Sixth Congress, second session, on July 1, 1960. 1
Y 4.Sm 1/2:Sm 1/3/961 Small Business Administration--1961 : hearings before the Select Committee on Small Business, United States Senate, Eighty-seventh Congress, first session, annual review of the operations of the Small Business Administration, June 21 and 22, 1961.
Small Business Administration -- 1961 hearings before the United States Senate Select Committee on Small Business, Eighty-Seventh Congress, first session, on June 21, 22, 1961.
Y 4.Sm 1/2:Sm 1/3/963 Small Business Administration - 1963 : hearing before the Select Committee on Small Business, United States Senate, Eighty-eighth Congress, first session. Annual review of the operations of the Small Business Administration, December 2, 1963.
Small Business Administration -- 1963 hearings before the United States Senate Select Committee on Small Business, Eighty-Eighth Congress, first session, on Dec. 2, 1963.
Y 4.SM 1/2:SM 1/3/965 Small Business Administration, 1965 : hearing before the Select Committee on Small Business, Eighty-ninth Congress, first session, on lending and procurement assistance programs, May 19, 1965. 1
Y 4.Sm 1/2:Sm 1/3/965 Small Business Administration -- 1965 hearings before the United States Senate Select Committee on Small Business, Eighty-Ninth Congress, first session, on May 19, 1965. 1
Y 4.SM 1/2:SM 1/3/969 Review of Small Business Administration's programs and policies--1969 : hearings before the Select Committee on Small Business, United States Senate, Ninety-first Congress, first session 1
Y 4.Sm 1/2:Sm 1/3/969 Review of Small Business Administration's programs and policies, 1969 hearings before the Select Committee on Small Business, United States Senate, Ninety-first Congress, first session ..
Review of Small Business Administration's Programs and Policies -- 1969 hearings before the United States Senate Select Committee on Small Business, Ninety-First Congress, first session, on June 10-12, 20, 25, July 15, Oct. 15, 1969.
Y 4.SM 1/2:SM 1/3/971 Review of Small Business Administration's programs and policies--1971 : hearings before the Select Committee on Small Business, United States Senate, Ninety-second Congress, first session, on SBA programs and policies and related economic questions 1
Y 4.Sm 1/2:Sm 1/3/971 Review of Small Business Administrations programs and policies, 1971 hearings, Ninety-second Congress, first session on SBA programs and policies and related economic questions. 1