Call Number (LC) Title Results
Y 4.T 19/4:D 36/6 Issues involved in possible revenue options to reduce the federal deficit scheduled for a hearing before the Subcommittee on Deficits, Debt Management, and International Debt of the Senate Committee on Finance on June 5, 1992 / 1
Y 4.T 19/4:D 36/7 Estimating the Revenue Effects of the Administration's FY2008 Proposal Providing a Standard Deduction for Health Insurance Modeling and Assumptions.
Estimating the revenue effects of the administration's fiscal year 2008 proposal providing a standard deduction for health insurance modeling and assumptions /
Y 4.T 19/4:D 36/8 Present Law and Background Relating to Valuing Assets in Defined Benefit Pension Plans Scheduled for a Public Hearing.
Present law and background relating to valuing assets in defined benefit pension plans scheduled for a public hearing before the House Committee on Ways and Means on October 29, 2008 /
Y 4.T 19/4:D 44/ Proposed depreciation and investment tax credit revisions / 1
Y 4.T 19/4:D 44/2 Derivations of code sections of the Internal Revenue Codes of 1939 and 1954
Derivations of code sections of the Internal Revenue Codes of 1939 and 1954 /
Y 4.T 19/4:D 44/3 Present law and legislative background relating to depreciation and Section 179 expensing scheduled for a public hearing before the Subcommittee on Long-Term Growth and Debt Reduction of the Senate Committee on Finance on July 21, 2005 /
Present law and legislative background relating to depreciation and Section 179 expensing : scheduled for a public hearing before the Subcommittee on Long-Term Growth and Debt Reduction of the Senate Committee on Finance on July 21, 2005 /
Y 4.T 19/4:D 44/4 Present Law and Analysis Relating to the Tax Treatment of Derivatives Scheduled for a Public Hearing.
Present law and analysis relating to the tax treatment of derivatives scheduled for a public hearing before the Subcommittee on Select Revenue Measures of the House Committee on Ways and Means on March 5, 2008 /
Y 4.T 19/4:D 44/5 Present law and background on dependent care and paid leave : scheduled for a public hearing before the House Committee on Ways and Means on April 21, 2021 / 1
Y 4.T 19/4:D 44/pt.1-3 Proposed depreciation and investment tax credit revisions 1
Y 4.T 19/4:D 45 Description of S. 1062 and S. 1063 relating to simplification of certain procedure and administration provisions and installment sale reporting rules under the Internal Revenue Code scheduled for a hearing by the Subcommittee on Taxation and Debt Management Generally of the Committee on Finance on June 22, 1979
Description of S. 1062 and S. 1063 relating to simplification of certain procedure and administration provisions and installment sale reporting rules under the Internal Revenue Code scheduled for a hearing by the Subcommittee on Taxation and Debt Management Generally of the Committee on Finance on June 22, 1979 /
Y 4.T 19/4:D 45/2 Description of H.R. 3899 and H.R. 3900 relating to simplification of installment sale reporting rules and certain procedure and administration provisions under the Internal Revenue Code scheduled for a hearing before the Subcommittee on Select Revenue Measures of the Committee on Ways and Means on July 27, 1979 / 1
Y 4.T 19/4:D 45/3 Description of H.R. 3904 (as reported by the Committee on Education and Labor) relating to multiemployer pension plan amendments scheduled for a hearing before the Committee on Ways and Means on February 19, 1980 : prepared for the use of the Committee on Ways and Means. /
Description of H.R. 3904 : (as reported by the Committee on Education and Labor) relating to multiemployer pension plan amendments scheduled for a hearing before the Committee on Ways and Means on February 19, 1980 : prepared for the use of the Committee on Ways and Means. /
Y 4.T 19/4:D 45/4 Description of H.R. 6883 (as passed the House) relating to revision of installment sale reporting rules : scheduled for a hearing by the Subcommittee on Taxation and Debt Management Generally of the Committee on Finance on September 10, 1980 : prepared for the use of the Committee on Finance /
Description of H.R. 6883 (as passed the House) relating to revision of installment sale reporting rules scheduled for a hearing by the Subcommittee on Taxation and Debt Management Generally of the Committee on Finance on September 10, 1980 /
Y 4.T 19/4:D 45/5 Background and description of bills (S. 395, S. 404, S. 574, and S. 858) relating to estate and gift taxes scheduled for a hearing before the Subcommittee on Estate and Gift Taxation of the Committee on Finance on May 1, 1981 /
Background and description of bills (S. 395, S. 404, S. 574, and S. 858) relating to estate and gift taxes : scheduled for a hearing before the Subcommittee on Estate and Gift Taxation of the Committee on Finance on May 1, 1981 /
Y 4.T 19/4:D 45/6 Description of bills (S. 1047 and S. 1272) relating to aviation excise taxes scheduled for a hearing before the Subcommittee on Taxation and Debt Management of the Committee on Finance on July 27, 1981 / 1
Y 4.T 19/4:D 45/7 Description of proposals (H.R. 2930 and H.R. 2643) relating to aviation excise taxes and airport and airway trust fund authorizations scheduled for a hearing before the Committee on Ways and Means on October 14, 1981 /
Description of proposals (H.R. 2930 and H.R. 2643) relating to aviation excise taxes and airport and airway trust fund authorizations : scheduled for a hearing before the Committee on Ways and Means on October 14, 1981 /
Y 4.T 19/4:D 45/8 Description of S. 2105 and S. 2106 relating to state and local public employee benefit plans administration of employee benefit plans : scheduled for a hearing before the Subcommittee on Savings, Pensions, and Investment Policy of the Senate Committee on Finance on March 29, 1982 /
Description of S. 2105 and S. 2106 relating to state and local public employee benefit plans : administration of employee benefit plans : scheduled for a hearing before the Subcommittee on Savings, Pensions, and Investment Policy of the Senate Committee on Finance on March 29, 1982 /
Y 4.T 19/4:D 45/9 Description of H.R. 6055 Subchapter S Revision Act of 1982 : scheduled for a hearing before the Subcommittee on Select Revenue Measures of the Committee on Ways and Means on June 14, 1982 / 1
Y 4.T 19/4:D 45/10 Description of S. 2350 (Subchapter S Revision Act of 1982) : scheduled for a hearing before the Committee on Finance on September 10, 1982 /
Description of S. 2350 : (Subchapter S Revision Act of 1982) : scheduled for a hearing before the Committee on Finance on September 10, 1982 /
Y 4.T 19/4:D 45/11 Description of bills (S. 863, S. 98, and S. 634) relating to enterprise zones : scheduled for a hearing before the Committee on Finance, United States Senate on April 22, 1983 /
Description of bills (S. 863, S. 98, and S. 634) relating to enterprise zones scheduled for a hearing before the Committee on Finance, United States Senate on April 22, 1983 /