Call Number (LC) Title Results
Y 4.W 36:WMCP 102-18 Written comments on H.R. 1724, a bill to normalize U.S. trade relations with Hungary and Czechoslovakia, and on trade agreements between the United States and Bulgaria and the United States and Mongolia
Written comments on H.R. 1724, a bill to normalize U.S. trade relations with Hungary and Czechoslovakia, and on trade agreements between the United States and Bulgaria and the United States and Mongolia /
Y 4.W 36:WMCP 102-19 Written comments on certain tariff and trade bills / 1
Y 4.W 36:WMCP 102-20 Regulations issued by the Department of Health and Human Services on child care programs authorized by Public Law 101-508 background material : prepared for a hearing to be held on September 17, 1991 /
Background material, Regulations issued by the Department of Health and Human Services on child care programs authorized by Public Law 101-508 : background material : prepared for a hearing to be held on September 17, 1991 /
Y 4.W 36:WMCP 102-21 Health care coverage and costs major legislative proposals.
Health care coverage and costs : major legislative proposals.
Y 4.W 36:WMCP 102-22 Report on trade mission to Europe and the Soviet Union /
Report on trade mission to Europe and the Soviet Union
Y 4.W 36:WMCP 102-23 Explanation of Committee on Ways and Means amendment to H.R. 2950 and Title VII of H.R. 3566 (the Surface Transportation Revenue Act of 1991) as approved by the Committee on Ways and Means on October 16, 1991, together with dissenting views (together with cost estimates of the Congressional Budget Office)
Explanation of Committee on Ways and Means amendment to H.R. 2950 and Title VII of H.R. 3566 (the Surface Transportation Revenue Act of 1991) : as approved by the Committee on Ways and Means on October 16, 1991, together with dissenting views (together with cost estimates of the Congressional Budget Office)
Y 4.W 36:WMCP 102-24 Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation's program to identify, collect, and account for premium payments including findings and recommendations of the subcommittee oversight initiative report from the Subcommittee on Oversight /
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation's program to identify, collect, and account for premium payments including findings and recommendations of the subcommittee : oversight initiative report from the Subcommittee on Oversight /
Y 4.W 36:WMCP 102-25 Abusive marketing practices by durable medical equipment suppliers including findings and recommendations of the subcommittee : oversight initiative report from the Subcommittee on Oversight /
Abusive marketing practices by durable medical equipment suppliers : including findings and recommendations of the subcommittee : oversight initiative report from the Subcommittee on Oversight /
Y 4.W 36:WMCP 102-26 Written comments on a tax credit for certain nonrecurring expenses relating to adoption of a child with special needs
Written comments on a tax credit for certain nonrecurring expenses relating to adoption of a child with special needs /
Y 4.W 36:WMCP 102-27 Written comments on certain tariff and trade bills / 1
Y 4.W 36:WMCP 102-28 Need for taxpayer bill of rights legislation and reform of the Internal Revenue Service including legislative and administrative recommendations of the subcommittee : oversight initiative report from the Subcommittee on Oversight /
Need for taxpayer bill of rights legislation and reform of the Internal Revenue Service : including legislative and administrative recommendations of the subcommittee : oversight initiative report from the Subcommittee on Oversight /
Y 4.W 36:WMCP 102-29 Explanation of Committee on Ways and Means amendment to H.R. 3575 (the Emergency Unemployment Compensation Act of 1991) as approved by the Committee on Ways and Means on November 14, 1991, together with minority views (together with cost estimates of the Congressional Budget Office) /
Explanation of Committee on Ways and Means amendment to H.R. 3575 (the Emergency Unemployment Compensation Act of 1991) : as approved by the Committee on Ways and Means on November 14, 1991, together with minority views (together with cost estimates of the Congressional Budget Office) /
Y 4.W 36:WMCP 102-30 Background material on family income and benefit changes prepared for a hearing to be held on December 19, 1991 /
Background material on family income and benefit changes : prepared for a hearing to be held on December 19, 1991 /
Y 4.W 36:WMCP 102-31 Health care resource book
Health care resource book /
Y 4.W 36:WMCP 102-32 Written comments on certain tariff and trade bills / 1
Y 4.W 36:WMCP 102-33 Written comments on H.R. 3935, a bill to modernize and simplify the administration of the Customs laws
Written comments on H.R. 3935, a bill to modernize and simplify the administration of the Customs laws /
Y 4.W 36:WMCP 102-34 Summary of the substitute approved by the Democratic members of the Committee on Ways and Means
Summary of the substitute approved by the Democratic members of the Committee on Ways and Means /
Y 4.W 36:WMCP 102-35 Technical explanation of H.R. 4287, Tax Fairness and Economic Growth Act of 1992
Technical explanation of H.R. 4287, Tax Fairness and Economic Growth Act of 1992 /
Y 4.W 36:WMCP 102-36 Future of United States-Japan relations proceedings of a Congressional Research Service Seminar on "The Future of U.S.-Japan Relations: Global Partnership or Strategic Rivalry?" held on September 27, 1991 /
Future of United States-Japan relations : proceedings of a Congressional Research Service Seminar on "The Future of U.S.-Japan Relations: Global Partnership or Strategic Rivalry?" held on September 27, 1991 /
Y 4.W 36:WMCP 102-37 Report on H.R. 4318, the "Miscellaneous Tariff Act of 1992"
Report on H.R. 4318, the "Miscellaneous Tariff Act of 1992" /