Call Number (LC) Title Results
Y3.N21_5..5_771 Review of flight tests of NACA C and D cowlings on the XP-42 airplane. 1
Y3.N21_5..5_772 Determination of general relations for the behavior of turbulent boundary layers. 1
Y3.N21_5..5_773 Analysis of heat and compressibility effects in internal flow systems and high-speed tests of a ram-jet system. 1
Y3.N21_5..5_774 Effect of tilt of the propeller axis on the longitudinal-stability characteristics of single-engine airplanes. 1
Y3.N21_5..5_776 The theory of propellers, II method for calculating the axial interference velocity. 1
Y3.N21_5..5_777 The theory of propellers, III-the slipstream contraction with numerical values for two-blade and four-blade propellers. 1
Y3.N21_5..5_778 The theory of propellers, IV-thrust, energy, and efficiency formulas for single- and dual-rotating propellers with ideal circulation distribution. 1
Y3.N21_5..5_779 The effect of increased cooling surface on performance of aircraft-engine cylinders as shown by tests of the NACA cylinder. 1
Y3.N21_5..5_780 Compressible potential flow with circulation about a circular cylinder. 1
Y3.N21_5..5_781 Wind-tunnel procedure for determination of critical stability and control characteristics of airplanes. 1
Y3.N21_5..5_782 Wall interference in a two-dimensional-flow wind tunnel, with consideration of the effect of compressibility. 1
Y3.N21_5..5_783 Compressibility and heating effects on pressure loss and cooling of a baffled cylinder barrel. 1
Y3.N21_5..5_784 Intercooler cooling-air weight flow and pressure drop for minimum drag loss. 1
Y3.N21_5..5_785 Preknock vibrations in a spark-ignition engine cylinder as revealed by high-speed photography. 1
Y3.N21_5..5_787 A theoretical investigation of the rolling oscillations of an airplane with ailerons free. 1
Y3.N21_5..5_791 A theoretical investigation of longitudinal stability of airplanes with free controls including effect of friction in control system. 1
Y3.N21_5..5_792 Flight studies of the horizontal-tail loads experienced by a fighter airplane in abrupt maneuvers. 1
Y3.N21_5..5_793 Experiments on drag of revolving disks, cylinders, and streamline rods at high speeds. 1
Y3.N21_5..5_794 The flow of a compressible fluid past a circular arc profile. 1
Y3.N21_5..5_795 The NACA impact basin and water landing tests of a float model at various velocities and weights. 1