Call Number (LC) Title Results
Z6721 .D48 2008 A cumulative bibliography of medieval military history and technology : update 2003-2006 / 2
Z6721.F56 1979 The world bibliography of armed land conflict from Waterloo to World War I : wars, campaigns, battles, revolutions, revolts, coups d'état, insurrections, riots, armed confrontations / 1
Z6721 .F56 1979 U102 The world bibliography of armed land conflict from Waterloo to World War I : wars, campaigns, battles, revolutions, revolts, coups d'état, insurrections, riots, armed confrontations / 1
Z6721.L55 1990 Zhongguo bing shu zong mu / 1
Z 6721 M35 1963 Correlation index to current Department of Defense research reports / 1
Z6721 .P623 Bibliotheca historico-militaris : Systematische Uebersicht der Erscheinungen aller Sprachen auf dem Gebiete der Geschichte der Kriege und Kriegswissenschaft seit Erfindung der Buchdruckerhunst bis zum Schluss des Jahres 1880. 1
Z6721.S53 1980 A Short research guide on arms and armed forces / 1
Z6721 .S53 1980 UA10 A Short research guide on arms and armed forces / 1
Z6721 U102 Understanding war : an annotated bibliography / 1
Z6721 .U54 no. 75a The American role in the global economy / 1
Z6721 .U542 1976 National security, military power & the role of force in international relations : A bibliographic survey of literature. 1
Z6722 .A56 Antoine-Henri Jomini : a bibliographical survey / 1
Z6723.U57 1990 Military periodicals : United States and selected international journals and newspapers / 1
Z6723 .U57 1990 U104 Military periodicals : United States and selected international journals and newspapers / 1
Z6724.A25 O23 UG633 OAR quarterly index of current research results. 1
Z6724.A3 K6 Bibliographie zur Luftkriegsgeschichte / 1
Z6724.A38S63 The Soviet air and strategic rocket forces, 1939-1980 : a guide to sources in English / 1
Z6724.A38 S63 UG635.R9 The Soviet air and strategic rocket forces, 1939-1980 : a guide to sources in English / 2
Z6724.A73.S38 1990 Bibliography of arms control verification : / 1
Z6724.A73 .S38 1990 UA12.5 Bibliography of arms control verification : / 1