Call Number (LC) Title Results
Z1014 .B6 1985 Répertoire des ouvrages du XVIe siècle / 1
Z1014 .B67 1990 Suppl Short-title catalogue of books printed in Italy and of Italian books printed in other countries from 1465 to 1600 now in the British Library. 1
Z1014 .D35 1993 Incunabuli e cinquecentine della Biblioteca del Monte dei Cappuccini in Torino / 1
Z1014 .G4 1545a Bibliotheca vniuersalis : siue Catalogus omnium scriptorum locupletissimus, in tribus linguis, Latina, Graeca, & Hebraica: extantium & non extantiu[m] ueterum & recentiorum in hunc usq[ue] diem, doctorum & indoctorum, publicatorum & in Bibliothecis latentium. Opus nouum, & no[m] Bibliothecis tantum publicis priuatísue instituendis necessarium, sed studiosis omnibus cuiuscunq artis aut scientiae ad studia melius formanda utilissimum / 1
Z1014 .H29 1985 Spanish and Portuguese 16th century books in the Department of Printing and Graphic Arts : a description of an exhibition and a bibliographical catalogue of the collection / 1
Z1014 .H33 Catalogus der niet-Nederlandse drukken: 1500-1540 / 1
Z1014 .M33 1994 De boekdrukkunst te Gent tot 1560 / 1
Z1014 .M36 1971 La guide des arts et sciences, et promptuaires de tous livres tant composez que traduicts en françois. 1
Z1014 .P45 1976 Sixteenth-century imprints in the Libraries of the University of Pennsylvania / 1
Z1014 .P864 1994 Opisanie ėkzempl︠i︡arov staropechatnykh izdaniĭ kirillicheskogo shrifta : metodicheskie rekomenda︠t︡sii / 1
Z1014 .U55 1993 Un tesoro en la Universidad de Sevilla : incunables y obras de los siglos XVI y XVII : exposición, Universidad de Sevilla, noviembre-diciembre 1993 / 1
Z1014 .V47 1983 Verzeichnis der im deutschen Sprachbereich erschienenen Drucke des XVI. Jahrhunderts : VD 16 / 1
Z1015 .B32 Bibliotheca Baconia, or, A collection of choice English books all in folio, curiously bound, gilt, and lettered on the back, consisting of various subjects but chiefly history, formerly belonging to Mr. Francis Bacon, lately deceased, will be exposed to sale ... on Wednesday next being the 19th of May, 1686.
Bibliotheca Baconia, or, A collection of choice English books all in folio, curiously bound, gilt, and lettered on the back, consisting of various subjects but chiefly history, formerly belonging to Mr. Francis Bacon, lately deceased, will be exposed to sale ... on Wednesday next being the 19th of May, 1686 ..
Z1015 .C3 1689 Catalogue of Books 1
Z1015 .C37 Catalogus librorum domi forísque impressorum 2
Z1015 .C38 1624 Catalogus vniuersalis pronundinis Francofurtensibus autumnalibus de anno M.DC.IIII. Hoc est: designatio omnium librorum, qui hisce nundinis autumna. Libus, vel noui, vel emendatiores & auctiores prodierunt. 1
Z1015 .C46 1990 Répertoire des ouvrages du XVIIe siècle de la bibliothèque du C.D.R.R. / 1
Z1015 .C66 Catalogus librorum bibliothecarum D. Rich. Chace ... D. Christ. Bathurst ... D. Georg. Tonstall ... quorum au︠c︡tio habenda est Londini ad insigne pelicani in vico vulgo di︠c︡to little-Britain, Martii 24, 1683/4 /
Catalogus librorum bibliothecarum D. Rich. Chace ... D. Christ. Bathurst ... D. Georg. Tonstall ... quorum au︠ct︡io habenda est Londini ad insigne pelicani in vico vulgo di︠ct︡o little-Britain, Martii 24, 1683/4 /
Z1015 .G46 General catalogue of all the stitch'd books and single sheets &c printed the two last years, commencing from the first discovery of the Popish Plot (September, 1678) and continued to Michaelmas term, 1680.
General catalogue of all the stitch'd books and single sheets &c. printed the two last years, commencing from the first discovery of the Popish Plot (September, 1678) and continued to Michaelmas term, 1680.
Z1015 (INTERNET) Bibliotheca Baconia, or, A collection of choice English books all in folio, curiously bound, gilt, and lettered on the back, consisting of various subjects but chiefly history, formerly belonging to Mr. Francis Bacon, lately deceased, will be exposed to sale ... on Wednesday next being the 19th of May, 1686. 1