Call Number (LC) Title Results
Z1249.P7 P73 1996 Presidents of the United States--their written measure : a bibliography / 1
Z1249.P7 P74 2002 Presidents of the United States : an introductory bibliography to their writings / 1
Z1249.P7 P74 2002 E176.1 Presidents of the United States : an introductory bibliography to their writings / 1
Z1249.P7S29 1996 Presidents of the United States--their written measure : a bibliography / 1
Your match would be here.
Z1249.P7 S33 1982 A guide to Minutes and documents of the cabinet meetings of President Johnson / 1
Z1249.P7 T63 1965 Presidential succession : a bibliography /
Presidential succession; a bibliography.
Z1249.P7 T65 Selection of the Vice President / 1
Z1249.P7 T65 1957i The office of Vice President a selected bibliography / 1
Z1249.P7 T65 1965i Presidential succession a bibliography / 1
Z1249.P74 M6 The progressive movement, 1900-1920 : recent ideas and new literature. 1
Z1249.S4 D65 Documents illustrative of the history of the slave trade to America 1
Z1249.S6 A26 1996 Abolition & emancipation 1
Z1249.S6 A57 Antislavery newspapers and periodicals / 1
Z1249.S6 A57 E449 Antislavery newspapers and periodicals / 1
Z1249.S6 A58 1968i Anti-slavery propaganda in the Oberlin College Library 1
Z1249.S6 B55 Black abolitionist papers, 1830-1865 : a guide to the microfilm edition / 1
Z1249.S6 D8 A bibliography of antislavery in America. 1
Z1249.S6 D8 1961i A bibliography of antislavery in America 1
Z1249.S6 G85 1999 Race, slavery, and free blacks. 1
Z1249.S6 G852 2003 Race, slavery, and free Blacks. 1